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Normal Pov

—Miss Demi, Mr. Valderrama, get up!! —Lorraine and Byron knocked on our door—. It's the animals' day!

Wilmer and Demi had already gotten up like 30 minutes ago, right when the music started to sound. He was dressing himself as Demi was already putting her contact lenses on before she did her makeup.

—We are up guys! —Wilmer replied joyfully and laughing about the fact of the children waking them up.

—Have you guys dressed up? —Demi shouted from the bathroom.

—Miss Demi asks if you have changed your pajamas into outdoor clothes... —Wilmer who was closer to the door repeated to them.

—Um... Well... actually... —Lorraine muttered.

—Oi, oi, oi... That sounds like a huge no! —Wilmer teased them—. Go get yourself dressed before the monster Lovato gets out of here and catches you!

Children laughed at his teacher's comment from the other side of the door.

—Going! —they shouted, running to their closets.

At that moment Wilmer smiled to himself and headed to make their beds when Demi got out of the bathroom.

—Who do you dare to call Monster Lovato, ogre Valderrama? —she said making Wilmer turn over to her bursting out laughing.

—Forgot to tell them you are my favorite monster! —he tried to fix it, pecking her lips.

Demi hit his arm while laughing and then she pecked his lips back.

Wilmer's POV

After we had breakfast, we took the lunch boxes the cookers of the camp had prepared for us. The trip would long until the afternoon, so we were eating in the mountain. Then, we headed with all our students to the playground, where we had planned to meet with Heather and Abby.

—Thirty eight, thirty nine, forty! —I counted the children to make sure we didn't forget anyone in the camp—. We are all here!

—Okay! —Demi nodded and we looked at the instructors who were about to speak.

—Great guys! It's finally the day you like the most! The day we go to the mountain to see the animals that live in this natural area... for this trip you must know some important things... —Heather made us know.

—First of all, up the mountain, there are harmless animals, but there are also dangerous animals... So, in order for them not to attack any of us, we have to be quiet and kind to them —Abby said seriously—. Secondly, it's been raining a lot these past few weeks, so the mountain must be slippery... Be careful! And last, but not least, it's really easy to get lost in a big mountain like that, so don't separate from the group!! —she finished.

The children agreed and we started our way to the mountain. Abby and Heather leaded us in the way, while explaining the flora of the mountain and we walked behind them. Demi was walking in the middle of the group holding hands with Evelyn and Allyson and I was the last one, talking with Aaron and Violet.

Demi's POV

—Miss Demi, are you having fun with us? —Evelyn asked, looking at me as we kept walking behind the instructors.

—Of course Evy! I'm truly having a great time in the camp! Aren't you? —I replied cheerfully.

—Yeah! Honestly, I don't want the camp to end —Allyson pouted.

—Aw! —I reacted to Allyson's sweetness—. But you need to go back home to see your mommies and daddies! —I added.

—Yes, but going back home means the school year is ending... We are almost in June! —Evelyn explained sadly.

—And that means that you and Mr. Valderrama will probably not be our teachers next year, because teachers change in the second stage! —Allyson complained.

—Hey, don't be sad! We still have the whole next month to be together! —I tried to cheer them up—. Besides, that doesn't mean we won't see each other in the school next year! We will keep being friends, won't we?

—Yeah, we will see each other, but that doesn't compare to being with you and Wilmer all the time! —Allyson said upset—. I meant Mr. Valderrama! —she corrected herself.

—It's okay! —I laughed.

—But yeah! We want to keep our friendship, Miss Demi! —Evelyn said, hugging and making me giggle.

We spent the whole morning seeing different kind of plants as well as animals, but the most enjoyable thing was to see Wilmer how he freaked out seeing the animals he liked the most: the wolves.

Wolves had always been Wilmer's favorite animals, but as it is obvious, it's not common to see them frequently, so he was very happy looking at every each little move they did. We took some pictures to the children and the children took some pictures for us too, and after having lunch and playing some games with the instructors, we decided to get back to the camp before it went dark.

That time, all the children were running around us while we were going down. Wilmer and I were the last ones, supervising that no one would stay behind.

—Guys! You've heard what Abby said this morning! The mud is slippery because of the raining, don't run! —I warned them, but it was too late and right in that moment, Jake slipped and fell in the mud.

Wilmer put his hands on his head and we all got silent until he got up really fast. At that moment, the instructors and we looked at him and saw he was completely covered with mud. Children, as normal, couldn't avoid laughing.

—Don't laugh at me! —Jake yelled at us.

—I warned you not to run! —Abby said, not really helping.

—Jake, it's okay! That's something that can happen to anybody! You'll have a shower then —I told him.

—They don't stop laughing, Miss Demi! Tell them something! —he complained almost about to cry.

—Come on guys, stop already —Wilmer tried to sound serious.

—But it's funny! —they all replied.

—It's not! —he started to cry.

My face turned serious when I saw we weren't helping the situation and I suddenly got an idea. I hoped Wilmer could understand it and as I am a person of action, I went for it. I bent down and took a handful of mud. I thought about it for a second and I did it.

—It's not a big deal! —I told all of them, and at that moment, I spread it out into Wimer's face—. See? Now you are not the only one! It's not that bad, is it Wilmer?

Wilmer had his eyes closed and he was open mouthed, freaking out about what I had just done. Some seconds later, he removed the mud of his eyes with his hands and he replied to me calmly as children looked at us.

—No, it's not that bad —he said—. But... I think that... Maybe you should prove it yourself! —he shouted jokingly and spread all he had removed from his face into mine.

From that moment on we kept on putting mud into each other's bodies and clothes as our students laughed and the instructors looked at us astonished.

As it was too obvious, we end up turning that little game into a mud fight where all the students and we got disastrously dirty. Honestly, it was a funny game to play, before having a scary experience that would make Wilmer and I shook soon...


Hi guys!

Here's the new chapter, I hope you liked it!

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Next update: Tuesday-Wednesday

Thank you so much, stay strong ❤️💋

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