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I woke up to the sunshine spilling inside my window, HOLIDAY!!! Time to finally get away from school, dramas and life in general , I can finally relax. I clicked on my home screen to see the love of my life, Jacob sartorius. Despite the hate my friends gave me- and everyone for that matter- for loving Jacob, I couldn't help it. He's perfect. The slight issue I had was he didn't know I even existed, let alone loved me back. Anyway, time to stop thinking about Jacob, for once, and get ready for Hawaii. This is going to be the trip of my life, I brushed my hair after a shower, and got dressed. "Lauren we have to go!!" I heard my mum call from downstairs, "Hawaii time!!" She laughed as I heard her zip up my suitcase. "Okay mum" I'm so excited but I can't help the nerves, I'm flying across the world alone, by myself, for the first time. I mean I'm so lucky my mum allowed me to visit my dad and have some freedom but what if something went wrong? After the almost silent drive to London airport I was on the plane , the time spent in the airport felt like seconds. 10 hour flight, great. I laid back and listened to Jacobs music, especially last text.
The harsh light on the plane woke me up, "welcome to Hawaii!" The air hostess said as she woke me up, "it's 8am local time, we will be landing shortly" I smiled and stretched my back. How did I sleep the entire flight? I looked around first class and saw mostly business men, I'm so alone right now, I don't mind. I mean what must they think, a 15 year old girl in first class going to Hawaii alone!! Lucky me! Finally I managed to escape the airport after my dad excitingly welcomed me to where he had escaped from my mum, me also. He drove me to his HUGE house in the isolated mountains of Hawaii, I stared in amazement, this is stunning. He told me how I can have freedom for the entire month I'm here, he unhappily told me he is working so I can do what I like. To be honest , I'm glad. So the minute I had free time I used it....

Dream come true... Jacob sartorius Where stories live. Discover now