Chapter 9 (2-23-2017)

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Neema pads down the path keeping careful track of which way she's going. 'I've been walking for a while surely I would have run into somebody else by now.' She looks around and points her nose in the air. "I smell you. whoever you are come out now."

A dark brown Lion cub with a patch of darker brown fur on top of his head peers out from behind a rock. "you found me?!" he frowns.

"it wasn't difficult." Neema replies. "you should always stalk down wind."

"I'll keep that in mind." The lion replies. He takes a few steps out from behind his rock cover. "I've never seen a lion your color before."

"I'm no lion." Neema replies. "I'm a leopard. My name is Neema."

"oh... I'm Kovu." He replies. "look you shouldn't be out this way." He looks around.

"why not?" Neema replies.

"Zira, my mom... she hates outsiders." Kovu looks around nervously. "she could be nearby too."

"I'm not looking for trouble." Neema replies. "just checking out the outlands. Looking around."

"looking around? Are you new?" Kovu questions.

"you could say that. Yes." Neema grumbles. "until today I was living in the pridelands after being driven out of the north grasslands."

"you're a long way from home." Kovu frowns. "how come you aren't in the pridelands anymore?"

"Kion and his friends threw me out." Neema replies. "I live in the outlands now."

"Kion?" a female voice chuckles from the shadows. "that boy sure gets around."

"oh no!?" Kovu's ear lay flat and he backs up behind the rock again.

"you must be Zira." Neema speaks looking into the shadow at the just barely visible form of Zira.

Zira steps out into the moonlight. "you've heard of me, or was it just a lucky guess?" she looks at Kovu.

"Lucky guess." Neema nods. "I would explain myself again but you heard most of it."

"indeed I did." Zira chuckles. "but how..."

"you can try to stalk and hunt me all you like but you can't beat my nose." Neema replies. "there is a distinct musky scent in the air around here and when I smell something not musky then I know I'm being followed."

"clever girl." Zira smirks. "but tell me clever cub if you are so clever then why did you wonder into enemy territory?"

"because Zira I believe we share a common interest." Neema replies.

"let me guess... the lion guard?" Zira replies.

"the very same." Neema nods.

"hate to disappoint you Leopard but my only goal is to bring Simba to his knees and take back the right he stole from my son Kovu." Zira smirks. "Kovu will be king of pride rock as he was chosen by scar to do so."

"scar?" Neema remembers Ono telling her about scar. She saw drawings in the lion guards lair of scar and his lion guard team. 'wait scar was a bad guy...' Neema re-calls Ono telling her that scar lost the roar when he used it to destroy the lion guard. 'Zira is trouble i shouldn't have come here.'

"a great and powerful lion, and rightful king before Simba overthrew him." Zira growls. "Kovu was next in line. Scar chose him."

"well good luck with that." Neema backs up a few steps. "I'm going to go now."

Lion Guard: Neema the LeopardWhere stories live. Discover now