Free at Last

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Jack walked out of the rehabilitation center. He held his head high as he strutted to the bus station. Jack had finally finished his 6-week long program to help him control his so called problem. He sat down at the bus stop and waited until the next blue line bus came his way.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he sat down. The concrete bench was hard and covered in gum, with some random dirt stains here and there. But no human skin was felt on the bench. The sky was blue, not an eerie green. The trees were still and unmoving, not like hands grasping at thin air.

Some called it schizophrenia, but Jack new it was worse than that. He changed into this awful- He changed into a different person whenever something triggered his alter persona, like something he felt strongly about. Like when Jack got angry, his other part would come out. The nurses referred to it as Anti. Actually, Anti was the one asking to be called that.

But Anti wasn't just one of their normal schizophrenia patients. He was different. It wasn't like he was another person, more like a creature. He looked human and spoke normally but it seemed like he was physically impossible, per say. It seemed like he could jump through space and time even though the nurses refused to call it that. Because glitches doesn't exist. But one minute Jack would be in a therapy session with Dr. Hyde and the next he would be out of the whole building altogether, in the meadow behind the center.

Jack kind of knew when Anti would come out, too. He would get all... tingly. His vision would become corrupted with images that weren't there. Like trees made of hands and skies made of green ooze. Like benches made of skin. His fingers would twitch slightly then his mind would go blank. Not quite like he wasn't aware of where he was, but like he didn't care that he was watching whatever Anti was doing. And Anti did some bad things.

Jack can remember back to when Anti was 'out' more often than himself. He tried to cut a nurse with a fork(and succeeded), jumped on the back of a doctor and screaming that he was 'the root of all evil!', kissed some random visitor that was at the center, and worst of all, he broke a nurses arm while she was trying to give him his meds.

You would think people would have put up preventative measures around Jack and Anti. To be frank, they did. But somehow, no matter how tied tight and locked up they made him, he always escaped. Even though it was impossible, they refused the obvious. Because glitches doesn't exist.

He would randomly appear on the other side of walls and suddenly have a knife in his hand, he would jump and suddenly be on the roof, he would be on gym equipment when it would suddenly explode. But they refused to call it a glitch. Because real life glitches don't exist.

Jack suddenly snapped back to reality as a blue line bus came to a stop in front of the small bench Jack was sitting on. He was stepping onto the bus when he started to fall forward, about to land in a puddle. But suddenly he heard the sound of static and was standing back up, like nothing changed. He looked down at his hands and let a small smirk form on his lips.

It was like... a glitch. But no, it wasn't a glitch. Glitches doesn't exist...

A/N- Thanks for giving this book a chance! Will update laterヽ(*^ω^*)ノ

-Taylor ✌️️

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