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These are my OTPs (as evident by the title). Keep in mind that these are just opinions and that you should not take any of this personally.

Attack on Titan
Ereri boi! I don't even know. It's cute, it's yaoi, therefore it is amazing.

Black Butler
Either Cielois or Sebaciel. I don't know. I suppose Cielois can't happen...(that only makes sense to those of you who have seen season 2).

Snow White with the Red Hair
I have like a triangle...three-way sorta ship.  I ship Zen with Shirayuki, Obi with Shirayuki, and Obi with Zen. Yay, little triangles!

Black Bullet
There's not really anything to ship in this one, but I guess I ship Enjaro. I don't know. I just...don't know.

Yuri!!! On Ice
We were born to ship Viktuuri! (You're welcome DragonNova47 ). Some people don't like it. And I say, screw all those people (sorry all those people).

Ouran High School Host Club
Hikaoru! Why? Because...TWINCEST IS WINCEST!

Fruits Basket
I ship Yuki and Tohru but I'm really ticked off because Tohru ends up with Kyo (bleh).

This isn't even an anime or manga but oh well. I ship Len and Miku because it's cute. That's my only reasoning.

Are you kidding me? Is-is this even a question? Freaking Shizaya BOIIIIIIII! I personally think that there's more to it than just wanting to rip each other's guts out all the time, if ya know what I mean😉 (oh my God people I just mean I think they love each other get your minds out of the gutter).

Yatori because it's sorta-kinda canon. It's really confusing.

Death Note
Lizaki! I mean they k...th-they.....*faints* {Two Hours Later} Oh hey. Wow, you guys are still here. Sorry. Before I died I was going to say THEY KISSED IN THE WAREHOUSE. But it wasn't real love.........

I ship Heroine and Shin mostly because Shin is sexy as...heck. Sexy as heck.

FullMetal Alchemist
Edwin!!!!I mean, you can probably tell by the fanfic I wrote (if you pay attention to my life, which you probably don't so...). It's canon...I think. I don't know, I've only got a few episodes left of FMA but I still have to watch all of Brotherhood.

Soul Eater
Soma is hands down, my favorite Soul Eater ship. You can also tell that I ship this from my fanfic I wrote.

Beyond The Boundary
I ship Akihito and Mirai. You'd be able to tell if you read my one-shot on my other account (which no one has). But it didn't work out...Stuff happened, people died, it's just like Your Lie In April. I died after watching that by the way.

Tokyo Ghoul
I can't decide between Tsukiyama x Kaneki and Hide x Kaneki. They're both cute though.

So that's it! Comment if you share one or more of the same OTP!

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