The Seven Deadly Sins

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I'm not referring to the anime. I repeat: I am not referring to the anime!

Okay, so I love these. I live by them too. If you didn't know already, the Seven Deadly Sins are Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, and Envy. There's actually a reference to these in FullMetal Alchemist and obviously in The Seven Deadly Sins. So yeah, to me, life goes on until you've committed all of the Seven Deadly Sins at once. Not saying you'll die, but that you've committed the ultimate sin and need to rid of them.

Also, there's an exception for kids. Kids don't quite understand the concept of most of the Seven Deadly Sins anyways, so it would be almost impossible for a child to commit all of them at the same time. Unless it's a demon's child. Then yeah, it'd be possible. Besides, an average kid would probably only commit Gluttony, Greed, and Sloth.

Time for explaining!

Lust is the vehement disorder of sexual desires, as in the homosexual lifestyle. One of the many reasons it's fairly close to impossible for a young child to commit.

Gluttony is the excessive preoccupation with our bodies at the cost of becoming forgetful of our souls, not only in terms of excessive eating and drinking, but also in terms of excessive preoccupation with physical fitness and physical beauty.

Greed is always wanting more and more.

Pride is having confidence and being proud of who you are. The only reason this is one of the Seven Deadly Sins is because it is referring to overconfidence, which can be annoying, rude, and sometimes unlucky.

Wrath is the anger inside of someone that was once locked up.

Sloth is reluctance to make an effort or laziness.

Envy is a sadness in the presence of the goodness of others.

Note: Most of the Sins listed above are of the Seven Deadly Sins of the Catholic Church. (Most information came from www.ewtn/v/experts/showmessage.asp?number=362724)

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