Chapter Six

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I guess what I'm trying to say is I need the deep end

Keep imagining meeting, wished away entire lifetimes

Unfair we're not somewhere misbehaving for days

Great escape lost track of time and space

She's a silver lining climbing on my desire

And I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be

And satisfaction feels like a distant memory

And I can't help myself

All I wanna hear her say is are you mine?

The muffled shout of my name from downstairs causes me to pluck my earphones out, leaving them to dangle over my desk. Wincing sheepishly at how loud my music is blasting even without the earphones in my ears, I pause Spotify and rush out of my room, my stomach grumbling. Aunt Beth is finally home, a stack of pizza boxes dumped on the table giving off a heavenly aroma. I instantaneously grab for the top box, yanking it open to catch a sight of a crispy cheese-topped pizza, steamy waves of melted cheese and tomato sauce wafting up my nostrils.

"I thought we deserved a treat." Aunt Beth smiles, her sleek blonde hair dancing in the kitchen light as she kneels down to pull a bottle of red wine out from under the sink.

"Thank you." I grin, tearing off a slice and digging in right away as I fix myself a glass of juice.

"How was your counselling session?" She reaches across to gently squeeze my arm.

"Yeah it wasn't too bad actually, thanks, it helps to talk about it sometimes."

"Sounds great, sweetheart. How was the rest of your day?"

"Yeah, yeah, alright too." I speak absentmindedly.

"Zach! There's food down here!" Beth yells again, but without a reply, "Do you know if he's in, Elle?"

"I don't know, actually, I had my music on." I gulp down a slither of garlic-mayonnaise-smothered crust. To be honest, Zach probably could have come in and out of the house twenty times and I wouldn't have noticed.

"I'll call him, he probably went out with his friends, you know what he's like." She pulls out her phone with one perfectly-manicured hand and taps away for a few moments, clamping the phone by the side of her head. She uses her other hand to fill up her wine glass, the dark crimson liquid sploshing up to the brim.

"I needed this." She mutters to herself, tipping back a mouthful. She pulls away the phone, frowning. Just as she's about to call him again, Zach comes flying through the front door.

"Sorry about that, I've been helping Finn organise a team last-minute for tomorrow," He kicks off his shoes by the stairs and unzips his coat, "Sick, is this for me? Cheers mum." He babbles, only shutting up to stuff a pepperoni-smattered slice into his mouth.

"Honestly, what's he like," Beth sends a bemused smile in my direction, shaking her head at her son, "There are some chips in that plastic bag by the boxes, help yourselves." She tugs out a polystyrene container for herself before disappearing into the living room.

I slump down at the kitchen table beside Zach, who has already managed to demolish half of his pizza.

"You coming to the footy game tomorrow?" He asks between mouthfuls, "It's the first game of the season, gonna be a good one hopefully."

"I wasn't planning on it, no."

"Aw, c'mon, Elle. It'll be good to get out of the house."

"Maybe. Only to the game though." I state. There's no chance I'm letting Zach drag me to the after party as well. I can't imagine anything worse right now.

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