The Meeting Of Someone New

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Man I hate fights. My mum and dad are fighting now, it made me yell at them to stop and it just made things worse so I had to slam the door and sit outside. Since I brought my tablet I thought that I might as well cheer myself up and listen to music (vocaloid; Rolling girl by Hatsune Miku but the music box version) and I thought I could write maybe.....if I felt like it. I kinda do and i've stopped crying so I think that it'll be good.
(sorry about the long message....just I felt like getting it off my chest somehow.)

Lucy P.O.V

When I arrived at the castle, I hopped out of the carrige and observed the castle. I was stunned at how beautiful and luxurous it looked. I happily skipped into the castle only to be wow'd once again. The ball room was massive! It had room for a hundred people.

Narrator P.O.V

Well that's just what Lucy thought. She twirled around making her beautiful glittery baby blue dress swirl around her.

"This place is wonderful!" She squealed. Then she saw the food table and saw many many many selections of delicious looking food set on there.

Lucy P.O.V

I started to drool when I heard some loud munching coming from right next to me.

I saw this handsome man with spiky, messy pink hair in a tuxedo but he had crums all over his face.
"Um, who are you?" I asked curiously. He just grinned.
"I'm the prince! It's my birthday today, but unfortunely I'm not gonna be king yet...and I was so looking forward to wearing the king's crown." He greeted but started to get off topic.

I sighed. "Why do you want to wear the king's crown?"
"Because it looks awesome!!" He chirpped.
"I guess it does." I giggled. This man was funny. And to be honest he looked pretty handsome too......wait what am I thinking!?

Okay, my parents stopped the figting after half an hour and they finally found what they were arguing about....but my dad's still grumpy :/ it sucks...But it's better than it was...Anyways....back to the story! (you thought it was the end didn't ya? hehe not quite!)

" you always eat that much?" I asked, refering to the overflowing plate in his hand that he had been stuffing his face in.
"What? I was hungry..." He pouted.
I laughed.
"You must have a huge appetite." I chuckled.
"No, this is only a snack." He said. My jaw dropped.
Only a snack!? This guy...

"For dinner I have waaaaay more than this. It's handy being a prince because I get big meals! Hehe!" He grinned.
"Oi, Natzuu!" A fury blue kitty called out. Wait....he talked!? That's just like Charle and Lily!
"Yo Happy." Natsu replied, waving at the cat.
"...Is that your cat?" I asked.
"Yes, why?" He said.
"Well...I have two talking, flying cats myself named Pantherlily and Charle." I explained.
"Wow. That's cool, you should bring them over sometime!" He said.
Was he inviting me over to come visit the castle again?
"...I-I can't...." I said hesitantly.
"Why not?" He asked.
I gulped.
"Because of my...just because of the people I live with. They don't even know I'm here." I adjusted my mask a little. Hey I had to have a mask, I don't want the twins of hell descovering that I'm here. That would be code for disaster.
"That sucks...I wanted to see you again. Hey! What if I came to yours?" He asked.
"No! That would be even worse!! I can't even let them know, that I know you! Dence much." I huffed, annoyed at his stupidness.
"I'm not dence. I was just trying to help. But fine, If that's what ya want then fine."
"Wait!" I said as he walked past.
He stopped, turned and looked at me.
" Yeah?"
"I didn't catch your name."
"Oh, right. It's Natsu, Natsu Dragneel."
"I'm Lucy." I said not wanting him to know my secret last name. Then we parted ways.

Okaay noow its done (the chappy not the book of course :P)

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