chapter five

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5 | vengeance
i will have my revenge.

    She stared deeply and directly into the monsters eyes

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She stared deeply and directly into the monsters eyes. She saw pain, brokenness and frustration in the eyes of the man who responsible for her death. It was weeks since Celeste's last interaction with Elijah Mikaelson, weeks since the witches uprising, weeks since the down fall of the vampires. The state of the quarter was in limbo, but for the most part the vampires are in suspense. They have no leader to lead them, so the quarter is up for the claim. The witches with persistion and patience, will rightful restore the balance and the rid the city of vampires for good.

    But the anger still ruminated inside of her. Watching Klaus suffer,wasn't enough. Him suffering for eternity, was enough. It was the forever part that truly bothered her. That fact he was immortal, the possibility of him having a way out, a loophole, something were he could elude all of this. She had to end it. She walked over to Klaus, who was lying on a small table, that was once used for patients at this abandoned hospital they were both in. She leaned forward, so close her lips almost touched his ear.

    "You have ruined so many innocent lives, including mine." She whispered into his ear

"For over a thousand years you and tormented family have plagued this earth. I want you to know, your reign of terror is over. I will make sure of it."

She backed away from Klaus, heading towards the exit. She opened the doors pulling out her phone, dialing a number in her contact list.

"It's time, gather all of them all together." Celeste spoke, abruptly hanging up afterwards

    The day has come. Celeste would finally have revenge against the family who ruined her.

☩ ☩ ☩

    "Have you ever thought about it?" Celeste asked, turning towards Elijah

    The two were walking down a dirt path. It close to the evening, the sun close to setting, the sky of blue were forming pink and orange bursts across it. Celeste looked at her love, who's expression was now stoic, but his eyes were grave, full of remembrance. As if he has had heard this before.

"I have, but I could never do it, willingly."

"Please enlighten me."

"My family, my brother. I have to protect them, we've made so many enemies over the centuries. Being human is not an option."

Celeste sighed. "Why do you let your brother actions compromise your happiness? It's not your fault, that your mongrel of a brother is a psychotic beast, who doesn't have any regard anyone but himself...."

Celeste paused, realizing the words that had came out of her mouth. She reached out and grabbed Elijah's arm pulling him close to her.

"Je suis désolé. All I want is for us to be together, happily. Create a family, grow old together, die together. None is possible because of your immortality."

    Elijah smiled weakly. His hand cupped her right cheek, looking into her eyes.

    "I understand, but the same goes for you, have you considered?"

    Celeste slowly backed away from Elijah. Anger building up inside of her.

    "How dare you ask me something that?"

    "That goes against everything that I believe in, every fiber in my being. I would never become a abomination, that craves blood and murders people. I love you truly, but I would never compromise my humanity so I can spend an eternity miserably." Celeste spat

So consumed with rage, she quickly turned away from Elijah and walked away.

☩ ☩ ☩

"You're finally awake. I thought I would have to wait an eternity." Celeste spoke emerging from her comfortable place in the shadows, towards Elijah, who currently is chained up against a wall

"You would like that, wouldn't you." Elijah uttered out, while still trying to regain his consciousness

"Actually I wouldn't. If you haven't noticed I'm a little impatient these days."

"Celeste cut the nonsense. Where is my family?"

    She chuckled."You're going to love this, as you remember, your birthday was the same day as my death ironically, I was going to present you with a gift. But you know how that ended you up. And centuries after I still have that gift," Celeste smirked, "Or should I say gifts? I have realized that your family's fate does not rest upon my shoulders, but with nature. I simply helped aided the process."

    "I don't understand...What did you do?"

    "I have given what your sister has always wanted, and what your brother has always dreaded."

    "And what is that?"


    Elijah paused. Celeste could feel the disbelief radiate off of him. The reaction was due, after all in his eyes Celeste achieved the impossible. She bent down to where he was, that she could look into his eyes.

    "Rebekah and Klaus are now humans, and so are every vampire in their lines are too. And there is nothing you do to change that."

    Celeste paused. She bent her head down to see a growing, burgundy spot on her shirt. She touched the area with her hand. The sound of glass dropping on the ground echoed. Elijah had stabbed her. Celeste felt a stinging sensation as she clutched her stomach. With swift movements Elijah had broken out of his chains and escaped.

    "Genevieve!" Celeste called out, still keeping pressure on her wound

    Soon the red-head came running into the chamber, with a frantic look on her face.

"Don't worry, he won't make it far. The cure is already in transition, now help me up."

Genevieve rushed over to Celeste, helping her up and out of the room.

☩ ☩ ☩

[ a / n; hello my beautiful babes! how is everyone doing today? i am currently in the process of finishing this story, can i just say that i had fun writing it, i have never done something like this and i'm proud of myself for stretching my abilities, writing that is and improving. and excuse the errors i will edit the story collectively when finished.

so thank you all for reading this story and voting i truly appreciate it, and see you later. ]

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