Days of past

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Saphira was flying over the lake, low enough for knights to notice her as a dragon. The sun was shining brightly on her sapphire blue scales. Suddenly something alerted her, like a group of knights on horses coming after her to slay her. Just as she thought a net clamped her wings together with a roar she fell into the lake. All she could see was water everywhere (the lake was big enough that a dragon could drown.) she tried to swim, but with her wings bonded, it made it hard to swim. Saphira tried to get up to the surface, but failed she tried again and failed, the air in her lungs was escaping, then she gave out, her vision faded to darkness.

Draco sensed something, anther dragon and a female too. Suddenly he heard a dragon's roar. "Did you hear that?" He asked Bowen. "What is it?" Bowen asked. "I'm sure I heard a dragon roar, over by the lake." He answered. Draco got up and ran over to the lake, just as he saw something blue splash into the water. He jumped into the lake and used his wings to swim down as he grabbed Saphira and pulled her out on the land. "Just as I thought, another dragon!" He said in excitement. Bowen came running over. "Draco your not the last dragon after all!" He said breathlessly.

Saphira awoke coughing. She looked around and found herself in a cave. Looking at herself she noticed the net was off. "Oh, good you're awake!" She heard a voice say. Then a dragon came out of the darkness. "The names Draco." He said kindly. "My names Saphira." She said. She got up and walked through the waterfall and out of the cave, Draco followed. She walked up on a edge and laid down then looked up at the sky. Draco stood below and looked at her. "You should go talk to her." Bowen whispered. "Oh, I don't know Bowen." Draco responded. "Oh, go on. Go talk to her." He whispered to Draco. "Okay." He said as he walked up to Saphira and laid down next to her. "There beautiful aren't they?" He said about the stars. "They are." She finally responded. Saphira leaned towards Draco. He watched her as she fell asleep with her against his chest. Then he put his wing over her, his heart was filled with love. I will never let anyone hurt you. He thought as he fell asleep.

Two days later.
"Let's race!" Saphira said to Draco. "Okay, I'm coming." He said. Then they were both flying trying to see who's the fastest. Saphira flew across the woods, the moon strayed to peek through clouds. Then Saphira sensed something uncomfortable about the woods, like her and Draco were being watched, like there was magic that stretched through out the woods. Suddenly she saw a camp, but it was strange. She flew down to have a look not know what kind of danger lingered there. "Dragon!" She stopped when she heard them shout. All of a sudden pain struck her making her nearly fall out of the sky. Her eyes were wide with fear, it was a magic. Then she saw a sorcerer casting a spell she to fly away,but was too late,"Draco." She whispered as her vision faded as fell down in sleep.

One thousand years later.
A dragon lay in the woods asleep until something happened, Saphira opened her eyes....

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