“She was at her locker last time I saw her. She was getting like all her books, I dunno why though. She can’t have that much homework.” She shrugged, and hopped into the back seat of the car, behind Jason. They started talking, and Chloe rested her hand on his shoulder.

I smiled, they were cute together, and they were both just too stubborn to admit it.

Sighing, I made my way back into school, and went to her locker. I saw her trying to grab most of her books out of her locker, struggling, because they were really heavy.

“Need a hand?” I smiled taking a step closer towards her.

She jumped turning herself around, causing her to drop all the books that were in her hand. A few landing on her feet.

I watched as she cursed and fell to the fall starting to franticly pick them all up.

“Scott you scared me.” She shook her head. Her voice sounding somewhat off.

“Sorry.” I smiled sheepishly, kneeling down picking up some of her books.

“What, you emptying your locker of something?” I asked.

She smiled sadly. “Yeah something like that.”

“Let me carry them.” I said grabbing the books out of her hands.

“Thank you.” She replied closing her locker.

“No but seriously Oakley, what are you doing? There are like no books left in your locker?” I asked walking a little slower, waiting for her to keep up.

She waited for a little bit before speaking. This was what I was talking about earlier. She was always so bubbly and wouldn’t shut up unless you told her too; now, she has to think of stuff to say.

“Um, I just have a lot of homework to do, that’s all.” She lied. I could always tell when she was lying, and she had been doing it a lot lately.

“Oakley are you okay? Is there something you need to tell me? You have been acting really strange lately.” I asked her stopping at me car. I stood in her way, blocking the car door so she couldn’t run away from the question.

Although, she still wouldn’t look me in the eye. She always avoiding my gaze.

“It’s nothing.” She shook her head, lying once again.

“You can tell me you know, I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to be here for you.” I smiled.

“And I really do appreciate that Scott, but it’s nothing trust me okay?” She looked in my eye and smiled. It wasn’t her true smile, why was she doing this?

There was something seriously wrong with her, and I was intending to find out.

We drove home in silence, but today it was an awkward silence. It never was with me and Oakley, today there was just no vibe. Tonight was going to be interesting then.

When I reached their house, Chloe and Jason ran out, leaving me and Oakley left.

“So I’ll pick you up at 5?” I asked her turning around to see her in the back.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“You’ll just have to wait and see beautiful.” I smiled flicking her nose.

She giggled, and I smiled. This was the Oakley that I loved and adored.

“But what do I wear?” She asked.

“Whatever you feel comfortable. Oh and closed to shoes, we don’t want them falling off at all.” I smiled.

Dam, shouldn’t have said that. She probably knows where we’re going. The whole night would be stuffed up if she did.

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