[Part 2] T.W.E.N.T.Y

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I hope y'all know that this last P.H.A.T is going to be  longer than the other two..I hope you are up for the ride as the story take you in a direction, that will have you forever remembering the P.H.A.T series :)

-B soul


Nadia suffered the torment of an abortion for a child concieved because of rape. Nadia could no longer hold it together anymore after that.

                Nadia had since moved back in with Tiffany, and Mowry to find out that her parents were getting a divorce.

Miles had been actively cheating on Tiphany with his ex wife; Debra for a total of four years to date. Tiphany was now  living with her Parent's trying to cope with the situation until they divorced, and she had some other place to stay.

Tiphany was very distraught by the entire ordeal.

Miles claimed that he wasn't happy anymore, but yet he was begging for her forgiveness, as well as for another try at their 17 year long marriage. Tiphany was at lost for how to deal with the issue at hand. She loved Miles deeply, but he had broken her heart.

Tiphany had caught Debra, and Miles in their martial bed together. Miles didn't even hear Tiphany as she watched horrified as he made love to that other woman. Tiphany finally let out a loud estranged gasp that stopped Miles. He jumped up immediately shouting; "Let me, explain." over, and over as Tiphany charged at Debra.

Nadia hugged her Mother tightly. She was shocked her Dad had cheated. As much as he had once talked down to her, he now was the one who should have been looked down upon all this time.

Despite Shawn's fear of losing anyone else he cared about, he did try to help Nadia cope before she left to VA once again. He was even there for the in clinic abortion. Nadia finally told him she needed to be closer to her family, and she couldn't deal on her own anymore.

                           Florida was not where she wanted to be --  especially not after what had happend.

Shawn didn't want her to go, but he understood why she was leaving. Nadia had said her last goodbye to him. She had also decided to take a year off from school, and just work somewhere she enjoyed to occupy her mind. She could not focus.

            Now that Jack was going to prision for 12 years. Nadia's nightmares were slowly being put the rest.

                             Nadia had been with her Grandparents for about one week now. 

Nadia smiled watching her Mom greet Mr. Omar as he came in. Him, and Grandpa were watching their usual Sunday night football game on the flat screen in the living room. Mr. Omar flashed a handsome smile down at Tiphany saying a polite hello.

Nadia waved to Mr. Omar as him, and Grandpa took a seat on the couch. Grammie whisked out the kitchen handing them a plate of wings, as she kissed Mowry on his lips. Mowry smiled happily watching Tiffany walk off.

Grammie winked at Tiphany gesturing at Mr. Omar. Tiphany just shook her head whispering. " The last thing I right now is a man." Grammie smirked. "Who said anything about having a man? He can help relieve your tension. Nadia made a face while Tiphany swatted at her Mother playfully. Grammie just laughed going up the stairs to bathe.

Nadia watched her Mom walk over to Grandpa after a moment and bury her face into his shoulder. Nadia just knew her Mom was truly broken. Mowry kissed Tiphany's head while Mr. Omar was eyeing her as if he was reading her like an open book.

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