Chapter 11 : Time passed By

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Chapter 11

“Wait!” I shouted at the two morons

“I gotta go home, BYE!” I told them looking annoyed

“Wait!!!” the morons shouted at the same time,

 So I stopped, and turned around looking arrogant

“I’ll take you home” Matt insisted

“No, I will” hazelnut said

And they continued to talk back to each other…

So I walked away and said “bye”

Remember when I said I wanna be invisible?

Well, I kind of regretted saying that, being with the two morons is a lot fun than what I expected.

“Let’s go Jake” I said smiling

“I guess you had fun huh?” he asked me

“What? No, they are annoying. Get it?”

“Yeah, but you smiled like you were…”

“Stop it. And gross”

We talked all the way home


After a few months, Jake officially became my counselor and my Best Friend

While the two morons, well, they became my best friends too

And the girls who talked about me, became just normal everyday classmates that I seem to talk to everyday

But the only thing that haven’t change, is Hazelnut, or what I call him now, EJ

He still hasn’t let go of me, because of his best friend that looks like me, and even I agree that she looks exactly like me


“Wow! It’s the beach!!!”  I was shocked by the beauty of it

“So what do you think? Our villa is right over there” EJ told us pointing west

I ran towards it and looked back and shouted “the last one there is a rotten egg!”

We all ran towards the villa and I will proudly say that I am first and EJ is the rotten egg

The villa was soooo huge! It’s just amazing, the scenery of the beach is great and the architecture of the house was just astonishing.

I quickly removed my shirt and ran towards the sea

FYI, I was wearing my swimsuit inside…

EJ, the rotten egg, hugged me when I was about to go near the sea and we rolled down together

Matt:”hey! No touching! That’s against the rules!”

EJ and Matt prepared this outing for one thing

That at the end of the 4th day…

I’ve gotta chose who I love.

And confess my feelings…


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