Chapter 4: What are they hiding?

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"Your mind was filled with curiosity. Why did the tattletail run away from their mother?

" you were the playing the...stick game?" Robert asked Amanda. Amanda nodded. "We were going to get the 'egg' but-" Adrian began to say. "Oh what is he talking about?" Amanda cut in. You shrugged.

"Let's just get the rest of the 'sticks.' " Calliope rushed. You furrowed your brow. Everyone was definitely hiding something from you. But what?

"Hey um...guys?" You asked them. The tattletail turned to look at you. "Do you need something to tell me?" Everyone was silent. Too quiet. You could even hear a clock ticking.

"Who is going to tell them?" Robert asked. Amanda shook her head. Adrian huddled in a corner. And Calliope stood silent.

"Its best you don't know." Robert answered you. He looked at his feet. You kept your mouth shut.

But part of to wanted to know. Since you were too curious, you couldn't stand still without thinking about it.

"What's gotten into you kid? Do you have ants in your pants?" Amanda grinned. You stopped moving.

"Heh." Robert chuckled.

"Might as will tell em, or else they will explode like a ticking time bomb." Amanda sighed.

"No you didn't realize?" Calliope rolled her eyes.

"Oh shut up."

"Listen," Robert began as he turned to you. "I may or may not die if I tell you this, but its worth a shot." You strained your ears to listen to what he had to say. "Mama is not my mama! She is a monster!" Robert burst out. Everyone yet again, went silent. "A monster...?" You whispered.

"She is only using us to terrorize children. I once heard a rumor that she ate someone!" His voice shook. "Mama imprisoned Calliope and I so we wouldn't get the word out...!"

"Heck, why is her name Mama then?" You angrily mused. You hated the idea that Mama was a Villain, not a mother.

"Mental. Abuse. Motivated. Attribution." Adrian whispered.

"We must get rid of Mama." Amanda spoke.

"No more Mama! No more Mama! No more Mama!" The tattletail chanted.

Everything was wrong. Mama was wrong. The tattletail were wrong. You shouldn't have opened those gifts..! You shouldn't have opened those gifts..! And now that you know Mama's secret, you must die.

You wanted to cry. You wanted to scream. It was like you were in a nightmare. You tried to run and wake up your parents, but no use. They wouldn't wake up.

At had someone on your side. You looked at the tattletail, all lined up. You took a deep breath. If you let Mama in, now you need to let her out. You smiled to yourself evilly. You had a spark in you that sought out revenge.

"Tell me what I need to do." You told the tattletail.


Hey Guys! Infinite back with another chapter!

What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out!

Read my other book "Sister Location x Reader!"

See ya!

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