Chapter 5 Ira

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I am awakened by my second shaking me. "Your watch," he slurs before shifting and falling directly to sleep. I blink a few times before I roll out of my branch. It takes a few moments before it registers in my mind that I am falling. I twist in the air and tuck into a roll as the ground approaches. I stand and dust myself off while I survey the camp sight. This used to be where our Pride house was... before I had it torn down. It hurt too much to live there with the scents of our fallen around us. Not just for me, but everyone. We lost most of the older generation, leaving mostly 20 somethings and teens. It was hardest to explain to the children why their parents aren't coming home.

I feared they wouldn't accept me as leader. But when the dust had settled and I walked off the killing field stained with enemy blood, grieving eyes--both old and young--looked to me. I took the reigns even while grieving. I forced myself to be strong for them. I made myself into the leader my pride needed. And the rest is history.

I start my patrol jogging lightly through the forest. My eyes scan everything, logically I know it would be easier in my panther form, but nights are my favorite time. The still silence, the cool air in my lungs, the song of crickets. I like to experience it all in my human state. It's the only time of day I don't have to be Pride leader or anyone. I can just exist.

I sigh deeply through my nose and let the cool night air chill me down to my bones. The stars twinkle in the sky and the moons light bathed the path I walk where it can through trees. I get further from my main encampment and the trees begin to become sparser. It's the only way I know I am nearing the edge of my territory. We border the wolves to the north and the eagles to the south. The bears are a western border. The holy meeting grounds lies with a corner on all four territories. I remember when I first went there with my parents. I remember the second time too, alone. To make the treaty after the war. I remember the grief and hatred too, like a hit knife slicing through my mind. I remember it all quite well. The feelings never left me, just subdued. I let it fuel me.

A scent tickles my nose, the scent after fresh fallen rain. My eyes sharpen and I quickly glance around for another member of the pride, but no one is there. The scent of mutt is here too. The edge of my territory looms ahead of me, an abrupt ending to the trees into a field of grass. With my lion eyes I can see the speck in the distance that must be the packhouse. I roll my eyes at it. Clearly something so large would attract attention from enemies. It certainly caught mine.

I turn away and prowl the borders again. Keeping close eye out for any creatures that might be lurking about. For the briefest moment, I think I smell someone, but then it is gone. I begin a light jog along the paths until it is not the wolf territory I see, but the beginnings of their border with the bears.

A scent hits me again, one I do not recognize. I crouch low and sink into the shadows, eyes sharpening. I prepare to pounce on whomever may be here. I spot the shadow of someone next, they stand alone in a moonlit patch of grass. She wears a black shirt and leather jacket with black leggings. A good outfit to blend in with the night. However, she is not on my land, though, but if provoked I can attack. Perhaps just a camping human. They've been known to do that. I'll give the figure the benefit of the doubt for now.

"I know you're there," the voice calls softly. A female. I blink in surprise, not a human then. No human would be able to detect me. I keep to my shadows and the voice giggles. "No use hiding, I already know you're here." I move slowly so just my eyes are visible in to moonlight, glowing like a panthers before it strikes.

"Hello, lioness," she purrs at me. Slightly insane. She must be. I smell the wild scent she possesses, she must be a bear.

"Hello, bear," I hiss back. I lean against a tree, arms crossed over my chest. "What brings you so close to my lands?"

"Business," she smirks at me. I can see a cunning mind behind those eyes. I smirk back at her.

"Indeed? It has been long since the bears and lions have met," I say, bringing one hand up to examine my nails. My eyes may look focused, but every fiber of my being is latched onto the bears form.

"Mayhap too long, my cousin sent me here, perhaps you've heard of him?" She asks sweetly. I decide to play along and take the bait.

"His name?"

"Matrim." I keep my expression neutral but my whole body snaps on even higher alert. The wearbear leader. I lazily glance up at her.

"No, I can't say I've ever heard of him. Strange for him to send his cousin out on business instead of himself, though," I say with a careless tone.

Her eyes dance with amusement as she speaks again. "Some would think so. Strange to see another out so late at night. What is your pride leader, Ira, up to, I wonder?"

I toss her a wink and smile softly to myself. "Ira is quite mysterious sometimes. If only I was privy to her plans..." I muse to myself. "Have a good rest of your evening and good luck with your business. No offense, but I must inform her that you are near our border. Standard pride protocol." I turn away from her now, still on high alert for movement. All I hear is a chuckle from behind me. Clearly the female wants information.

"Of course, I would expect nothing less. Maybe our paths will someday meet again, lioness." I don't look back as I move further into my territory. Perhaps I could have liked the girl, if she were not my enemy. Perhaps I would have considered her among my allies. Alas, no use dwelling on what can not be.

The night wanes on and I watch the moon begin to sink in the sky. A strange encounter. But she was not on my land and I have no reason to demand answers. Not yet, anyway. I clasp my hands behind my back and continue my rounds. Everyone does something in the pride. Even the queen.

Nothing else seems amis as I continue on. That's is, until I hear something crashing through the woods. It is not behind me, as I thought. No, this is an internal threat it seems. I prepare to shift before the scent hits me. It's one of my members.

The male crashes through the trees, his eyes widen upon seeing me and he skids to a halt. I grab his shoulders with concerned eyes. He gasps for air in my grip.

"What's wrong?" I demand, all leader at this point. Not friends as I would usually be. His scent says urgency and fear and I wouldn't expect anything else after seeing him crash through the trees.

"...meeting grounds... alarm... raised..."

I break off into a dead sprint.

Another chapter wooooo!! Let me know what you think! Like, comment, and share! Cliff hanger dun dun dunnnnn

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