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You and Tim have been friends since he transferred to your college. You never knew what school he came from, but you would always catch a ride with him because you two only lived 10 minutes away from one another. You knew he didn't like to talk about his past but you introduced his friend Brian to your cousin Alex. Alex was filming a short movie for his film class and you knew that Brian loved that stuff. So as Brian was taking his audition you went out and talked with Tim. 

After Brian was done, he convinced Tim to audition. Alex cut him off rudely and wished them both well. I don't really think that Tim minded since acting wasn't his thing. You and Alex's cameraman, Jay, were going to go over the auditions later tonight. Brian invited you to dinner with him and Tim but you politely decline saying you already had plans. You waved as they left and turned back to Alex.

"I think they both did a good job." Alex rolled his eyes and laughed.

"I think Brian did a good job, You only want Tim to be in the movie because you like him." You shoved Alex and laughed.

"I do not." He just shook his head and lead you out to his car.

"Jay is already at my house so we will just go straight there." You simply nodded and got into his car. You looked back at the boxes of tapes he had in his car.

"How many do you need?" Alex just shrugged you off and ignored you. He pulled out of the driveway and headed towards his house.

Once you two arrived at his house Jay had already set up the projection thingy so you could watch the recordings. Clapping you ran inside and decided to make some popcorn.

"I feel like I'm a judge on American Idol, I can't believe  I get to decide actors for a movie." Jay just gave you a weird look.

"It's not even your movie, why are you so happy?" You shrugged and continued your dance until the popcorn was done. You put the popcorn into a bowl and brought it out, setting it onto the table that also had the projector on it. Setting it down, Alex sat next to you and put in the first tape.

At the end of the last tape you had to pick three main actors and they were: Brian, Tim, and Sarah. You were happy for the boys but gave Alex a weird look. "I can take place of Sarah, plus I'll work for free" Alex rolled his eyes once again and you slapped the back of his head.

"First off, all of them are working for free. Secondly, you're going to help me with the lines and help the actors so you can't act and do all of that at the same time Y/N" You groaned and fell face first onto the couch. "You'll still be with Tim, shut up." You screamed into the pillow and looked up.

"I don't like Tim like that" You sighed and looked over to see Jay recording you. "Hey!" You chased him around your cousin's house until you removed the tape from the camera. "This is mine." You waved it in front of Jay's face until Alex took it from behind you.

"Uh, actually this tape has Tim's audition on it so I have to give it back. You see, I made singular tapes for each person and then one tape of all of them for me. "

"Can't you like get rid of me?" Alex laughed and put it in his pocket.

"What fun would that be?" You sighed and checked your phone to see it was almost seven. You asked Alex to drive you home since you didn't want to walk. He agreed and on your way home, Alex started acting weird. He was shaking and kept checking all of his mirrors and every once in a while he would speed up. After he dropped you off he backed up so fast he almost ran your foot over. Flipping him off you walked inside your house to see it destroyed.

You looked around and nothing major was missing but it was still a mess. You found a piece of paper and all it said was "He's a liar" you threw out the random paper and started cleaning.

Tim opened your door with the spare key you gave him and he sees you fast asleep on the couch a broom laying beside you. He laughed and tapped your shoulder to wake you up. "Y/N?" Swatting his hand away you turned your body the other way so your back was facing him, He took your arm and dragged you off the couch, definitely waking you up. You looked up at him and slapped his hand, making him let go.

"What do you want?" You groaned and stayed sprawled out on the floor.

"It's two in the afternoon. We have a shoot." You shot up mumbling fuck over and over again as you ran into your room. As you started to undress Tim followed you thinking you were just grabbing your camera. Once he opened your door it was you without a shirt trying to put on jeans. You screamed and threw the closest thing you had, which was a shirt. Slamming the door shut you heard him laughing.

"I'll be in the car waiting," he screamed as you shoved a shirt over your head. Grabbing your camera you headed out to Tim's car. As you locked your house door you flipped him off before you walked up to the car door.As you tried to open the door Tim locked it. "First you have to apologize." You rolled your eyes.

"I'm sorry Tim." You tried again but it was still locked.

"Now admit it, you're madly in love with me Y/N" You rolled your eyes.

"As if, just let me in we're going to be late." He laughed and unlocked the door. As you got in the car he backed out and went to one of the locations that Jay had helped Alex with. You sat in the car with your arms crossed like a child.

"Aw, c'mon Y/N I'm sorry" You rolled your eyes and huffed. He rubbed your leg in a friendly manner but you couldn't help but blush and giggle a little bit. Tim laughed along and pulled up to the scene that he and Sarah would be acting. You rolled your eyes at the thought and gave Tim a small thanks before grabbing your camera and walking up towards Alex. This was going to be a long day.

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