What Was That Old Sag?

Start from the beginning

"Okay, thank you old sa- I mean Lady Hokage." I said and shot a smile towards her. In the end of the day, I knew that I would always still respect the Hokage. She had a difficult job and still made time to train Sakura and drink Sake. That was dedication that I respected. "Arigato." I said as I grabbed the papers and the keys.

"Try not to drink too much sake once we leave!" Cheerfully, I shouted to her as I walked out of the door with Naruto behind me.

"You brat!" She shouted in frustration and I heard her sigh before the door was closed.

Naruto and I walked together in silence for a while as we headed towards his apartment. I was going to collect some of my things and then leave towards my apartment. Of course, Naruto was going to be my assistant in helping carry some of the items. A smile was formed on my face when I thought of him. Tsunade did have good reasons for separating us, especially since the reasons could possibly destroy Naruto and I.

"So peasant, what are we?" Boldly, I asked Naruto before thinking.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked me with furrowed eye brows in confusion. I groaned and rolled my eyes at the baka. Most definitely, I had taken my mother's taste in men and went for the goofy, a bit stupid, and nice fellows.

"Are we friends? Lovers? People who just casually have sex?" I asked him and Naruto's face went very red from the last question. "You have to give me credit, I kissed you on the cheek when you left. Do you know how much guts that took for me to do that?" My face had begun to go red also from just remembering the kiss.

"I-I don't know." In a quiet tone, Naruto stuttered out to me. "I've been thinking about this while I was off training, but could never really think of something good." We were quiet for a few seconds before he spoke again. "I really do like you Harmony. I just never know what to do about it."

"Okay, so neither of us have any idea of what to do." I said and chuckled a bit over it. "I'm supposed to be the smart one and don't know what to do. We're officially screwed."

"Hey!" Naruto said but I had begun to erupt into a fit of laughter. "I'm smart!"

"Of course you are." I said in a patronizing tone to him and continued to laugh over our situation. All the hours I had spent in frustration and worry over the topic had melted away more and more as I laughed.

"Ah! You better believe it!" In frustration, Naruto yelled and crossed his arms over his chest defensively.

"Aw, Naruto! Stop pouting so much!" Playfully, I said and messed up his hair a bit. Then again, his hair was always messy so it didn't do much to it. The Konoha's Sexy Haired Men Society had been able to strike again. "I need you to be able to help me move some stuff to my new apartment. Unless, you're too weak that is."

"I AM NOT WEAK!" Naruto yelled and ran towards the apartment. My eyes widened in shock as he took a head start before me.

"HEY! EVEN AFTER TWO YEARS, YOU'RE WILLING TO LOSE TO ME IN A RACE!" I yelled as I took off after him. It was a close competition, but I beat him a few seconds later. "Beat you!" Cheerfully, I exclaimed with a goofy grin on my face.

"I was so sure that I was going to win." Naruto said sadly as I opened the door and casually shrugged my shoulders. "I've been training really hard!"

"Come on, I've been training too also. I have speed, while you have determination and motivational speeches." I explained as I walked into the bedroom and began to put some of my clothes on the bed. "Go collect some of the kitchen silverware from the kitchen for me." Naruto gave me a look with his mouth wide open. "Okay fine, please."

"You're just going to easily move out?" Naruto asked me as he saw me put the last of my clothes on the bed.

"Am I not supposed to?" I asked him with a raised eye brow as I went towards my ninja supplies.

"I just didn't think you would leave me so easily." Naruto said and I turned towards him with an angry expression on my face.

"Don't you dare try to make me look like the bad guy for doing what's best for both of us. Tsunade is right and we both know it. Besides, we both need to be independent people. We're not the kind to easily depend on others all the time." I said and went back towards my ninja gear to put on the bed.

"Sorry, you're right." In a sad tone, Naruto said to me. "I was just... frustrated I guess and took it out on you."

I had to bite my tongue to keep back a snarky remark. Instead, I lightly smiled and turn my body towards him. "Okay, then go and get me some kitchen stuff since we both know that you won't use them one bit."

Moving out was definitely best for both of us.


Me: Ahoy there maties! (: I hope you like this chapter and I made you laugh a bit. How is school for you guys? (: Any snow days? Also, have any of you guys seen Attack on Titan? Levi has officially charmed my nipples off with his mad Titan killing skills. c:

Kakashi: Hush, I'm reading.

Me: SPEAKING OF DIRTY BOOKS! For Valentines day, a great pick up line to a fellow Naruto fan is, "Hey girl, how about you and I make our own Icha Icha Paradise." If a person's nipples aren't charmed off after them, then they probably just didn't them in the first place. (x

Kakashi: Still reading.

Me: Still fabulous. -puts on pimp coat- I'M OUT HOME DAWGIE!

Have a wonderful day and stay youthful! Farewell lovelies! (:

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