The Great Friendship

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Hey guys!! This is my third story so hope u like it!!

Chapter 1

Tays P.OV.

With Lydia (tays best friend) and cally (a close friend) "so r u ready for the first day of school tomorrow?" Lydia asked both of us. "yeah I guess" I said. "What the hell is wrong with u people, school is for fucking losers!" cally said and she laughed. "tell meh about it!" lyd said and we all laughed. "So we r in 11th grade, I think we all have to get boyfriends" I said. "Yeah defiantly!" lyd and cally said at the same time and we all laughed.

Let time skip to the next day when the first day of school starts!

Lydia's P.O.V.

I got up at 7:00 and I am so fucking tired!! (me and Tay live by each other) I got up from bed and put some clothes on. I put on black skinny jeans on and a V Neck. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth, then I went down Stairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast. "hey mom I said quickly and got my bag. "hey love, r u leaving now?" my mom asked. "um yeah I am meeting with Tay outside, luv yah" I said a s quickly left. I saw Tay waiting outside for me and her back was to me. so of course I ran up to her and jumped on her back. "hey babycakes!" I said. " hey boobear, will u get off me now?!" Tay asked. "yeah sorry" i said and jumped of her back. so r u ready to meet all new hot guys!!" I asked. "omg Lydia is that he only reason u actually like school?" Tay asked me. "hell yeah" I said and we both laughed. we got to school and we saw cally waiting outside. "hey!" Tay and I both said while we were walking to cally. "hey so r u ready?!" cally asked and looked at the school doors. "hell yeh!" Tay said and laughed. we all walked in the doors to the school. it was really loud. we got to r lockers. Tay and I have 1 locker between us and cally is on the other side of the hall.

A/N- hey everyone I hope u like it so far! I will probably be writing everyday now so... bye!!

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