Alittle love

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Chapter 2

Tays P.O.V.

I was in the hallways talking to cally and Lydia and then I saw these to guys walking down the hallway we were in. one of the guys is Lydia's size and has blonde hair and the other one ( who got my attention) he was about as tall as me and he had brown curly hair. them I looked over at Lydia and she was staring at then to. then I nudged lyd and said "holly shit the tall one is so fucking hot!" yeah but I like the blonde a lot more!!" lyd said. then I spot the corner of my eye my best guy friend. I guess that's how u say it. his name was Louis but I always call him Lou. we been friend till we were 5 and we still r. " hey I will be right back!" I said and walked over to Lou. "hey hotty!" I said and leaned on the locker right beside him. " Hey love!" Lou sAid and we both hugged. " I missed u so much!" I said pulling away from the hug. " yeah u to!" lou said and gave me a cheeky smile and I laughed.

Callys P.O.V.

Staring at Lou and Tay. "is it just me or do u think that the should both date?!" I asked lyd who was staring At the to. "omg I thought of the same thing to!" lyd said and we both laughed. me and lyd both walked over where Tay and Lou were talking. "hey Lou!" lyd said. "Hi I missed u guys so much!" Lou said and laughed. the 5 minute bell rang. "so r we all of to math?!" Tay said. "yep" all of us said and we both laughed.

Tays P.O.V.

We all walked in math and then I saw that brown hair guy that was walking down the hall and he was talking to hat blonde hair guys who was walking with him. "so where do u guys want to sit?!" Lou asked. there were four desks open so we walked over there. then Alice came over to us. the bitch slut who probably fucked almost all the boys in r grade last year. lets just say she's the "popular" one in the grade. she is the biggest mother fucker I have ever met. "what do u think u r doing sitting in my seat?" Alice said when I just sat down. "um sitting down, what the fuck does it look like?" I said getting pissed of already. "that's my seat, so u can go with ur gay friends and sit somewhere else!" Alice said. cally, lyd, and Lou all backed up. they new that I wasn't scared of her at all. now everyone was quiet in the classroom listening to us. at least I got the brown hair guys attention. "well u know that ur not the fucking boss of me so take ur slutty friends and go sit somewhere else and talk about who your going to bang with on the weekend" I said and some people gasped. then I heard lyd whispering to lou " this I going to be bad." Then Alice tried to punch me but I grabbed her hand and twisted it and punched her. " u better not fucking mess with me again u fugly bitch!" I said. then of course the teacher came in. "hello every one" the math teacher said and then he looked at me and saw Alice on he ground and she had blood all of her face. "What is going on her?" he said in a loud voice. (then of course Alice comes in and makes up this hole fake story) "I was just trying to sit hear with my friends and hen Taylor kicked me out of my seat and punched me!" Alice said and fake crying. "she's a fucking lier!" I said screaming at him. "I am already sick of u, now go to the principles office now!" he said giving shivers around my spine. of course i refused. "that is not fucking fair she's the one who came up to me and started, she's just acting! everyone in this hole classroom will tell u that she's the one who started!" i said really mad. "Well if that's right then did u or did u not punch her!!" he said screaming at me now. "yeah I punched her but she deserved it!" I said. "go now!" he said. "uhhhh what the fuck is wrong with u!" I said and slammed the door shut. I got detention for the hole week after school. i walked back to math and then I saw that tall guy that I was in love with walking in the halls. "hey, i think that girl is a total slut!" he said looking at me. " yeah tell me about it she's the one who started it" I said and glanced at him. "I'm Harry styles" he said. "and I'm Taylor knep l, but I prefer to be called Tay" I said And laughed. " so have u just came here?" I asked Harry while walking he other way down the hall where I came from. "yeah me and my best friend Niall who I been sitting by" he said. "that cool!" I said and we both laughed. "do u want me to give u a tour around the school?" I asked suddenly and felt awkward. " yeah I would love that" Harry says and smiles at me. of course I smile back. "I can meet u out by the lockers in study hall?!" I asked Harry?" yeah that would be fine!" Harry said and smiled.

Lydia's P.O.V.

Sitting by Lou and cally getting so fucking board from the math teacher talking. then the bell hang. I was so happy getting out of this class. "was it just me or am I the only one who wanted to kill myself?!" I asked cally and Lou. "Ur not the only one lyd" Lou said and laughed.

A/N- hope u guys like chapter 2!!!

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