Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)

Start from the beginning

You could end this Emily. You could kill them, and never look back. But what about my family? Would they be disappointed? The answer would be: very.For the first time, I don't know what to do. For the first time I am lost. The cheers grew louder, as we walked closer. 

I did one thing that I haven't done in a while. I silently prayed. Look, to who ever is listening up there, I'm talking to the big man, I'm sorry for the things I have done. I know this is probably weird coming from a hybrid. But could you help me out just this once? Maybe you don't have to help me, maybe just be there by my side, as I save myself. Help me save myself. 

The men turned me around for some reason. The chains to my wrists, were pulled tightly behind me. The bag was lifted off my head, many werewolves surrounded me. Wood was stack underneath my feet, and my back was pressed against a pole. So this is it? Colton's dad came forward and looked into my eyes. It looked like he searching for something, I couldn't really tell. I pleaded with my eyes, to ask him not to do this.  I-I don't want to die, I want to live. I want to be with my family, my mate. Where is Colton? Was I a good mate, a good friend, a good daughter, a good sister? Was I anything?  One of the pack members lit a torch. I gulped. My real dad showing fear, was a sign of weakness. Maybe he was right, but at this point it doesn't matter anymore.

Kevin grabbed the torch that was lit. The fire danced off his face. "I'm sorry, but you must be punished." 

"Kevin what about Cole?" I asked. "Who are you to play god? Please just let me go. . . please" A single tear slid down my cheek.

Kevin looked torn, my mates mother walked up to him and took the torch. "He'll get over you." She threw the lit torch into the pile of wood. Admittedly, the wood caught fire.

"No!" Someone screamed, from behind me. A force blew me out of the pile of wood. The rope tied around my hands had been cut. I automatically new it was Cole. He grabbed my hand and ran into the forest. I was just seconds away from death. I could still feal the heat on my skin. 

"Were are we going?" I breathed out. 

"Somewhere safe." Colton growled. He gave me a backpack, that I know noticed,I flung it on my back. He jumped and morphed into his wolf form. He looked at me and inclined his head to the right. I nodded and ran to the right. He was next to me in a instant.

We heard the shouts of anger coming from the pack, but we didn't care at the moment, all we cared about was getting the hell away from here. I excepted death so many times, but that was too close. I shook my head and kept running. The night's breeze kept my hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. The packs shouts became like the wind. The voices floated in the air. Colton and were engulfed with the darkness. My mate saved me. He chose me over his own pack. Once were done running, I will get to know him better. 

We've been running for hours and haven't stopped. "Colton can we please stop?" He slowed down, and looked around, probably checking any signs of movement that doesn't belong here, or any signs of being followed. He went behind a tree, probably to morph back. My heart still fluttered against my chest, more so than usual. 

"Can you please get me my shorts, there in the bag?" He breathed out.

I silently un-zipped the backpack, and rummaged through it to find them. I wordlessly tossed him them, and waited. He came out merrily seconds afterwords. He took two steps and was in front of me. His hands grabbed my face, and he kissed me. I felt the passion, and desperation, through him. He was scared, and confused. Like me. I pulled back. He smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. I didn't know weather or not he wanted to talk about, what just happened. Heck I didn't even know what just happened. Colton must have noticed my facial expressions, because his face darkened. He wordlessly grabbed the backpack from me, and went through it. Two blankets were in his hand. He laid one down against the tree, he sat down and beckoned me forward. I sighed and moved towards him. He moved his legs opened so I could sit in between him. He wrapped the blanket and his arms around me. 

"Colton -" 

"Shh. Just sleep. I'll keep watch." 

"Do you still love me?" 

His arms tightened around me. "I love you in any condition, and in any circumstances. I will always love you no matter what, eternity and infinity and beyond." 

I leaned against him, and relaxed. "Eternity, infinity and beyond." I closed my eyes. 


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