Chapter 7: Naked Butterflies

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Meanwhile Alténis:

-"AH! You came back, good good, so... Why are you here anyway?" Said the Lord Demon.

-"YOU told me I could know the secrets of my enemies." Alténis said, without stuttering.

-"Oh yes yes, Um.... Let's see...." He then opened his hands to the air, and several books appeared. ".... History of Aldania? No. Agriculture? Nnnnope.... Sectors? Hmmm start with this on—Aha! 'Notes on Aldania's Army', now this book is constantly developing, so the last pages has the most recent details. Start with these." He then yelled. "RIDIA! TEA."

          And so he was reading, as Cahill just saw.... His determination was indeed honest and perfect. He had a reason anyway; protecting his mother. His eyes glowed with anticipation as he kept reading the book, not knowing it was constantly being written, over and over again with real-happening facts, forever.... Until stopped. He never realized his hunger for this knowledge, was exactly what Cahill wants.... Cahill just sat and continued watching, his eyes also glowing red and his teeth shining, he scratched his beard—It was too long since he had someone too interested in anything from him, maybe his naïve personality made him fall for it, but Cahill's intentions were blank this time, he really wanted to help the kid, even if it went against his own standards. But he just kept one secret: The assassin of his mother. He smiled as he didn't know what was coming, it's one of the secrets that made him insane. Even before anything was created he was ready for this moment, and he was just smiling for it.

        Alténis knew enough and then went into the biography of the leader of Aldania, Cahill was surprised, he cut off everything just to know directly from his enemy, he never expected him doing it, and he didn't also expect himself cutting off the book just because. And something Cahill loved its unpredictable people, and that really picked the curiosity of the Mastermind Daermorah. He laughed as hours passed.... He kept thinking just how Wellerea and Heindall would've turned out if they researched Esdor; Me, and not just My Creation. He laughed, and got lost in the Alternate Universes he could see, and rejoiced on My death, or Wellerea's, or even Heindall's, maybe even Guilt's or Vastoria's, etc. Cahill stood up and left some others books around, hiding necessary secrets from them and then giving them to Alténis, tricking him. Alténis noticed the sudden laughs and smiles but didn't mind, he knew Cahill was.... Crazy.... Anyways. He kept an eye out for Ridia though, who always left stuff and appeared, but as a silhouette, not a full person, or just a hand, an eye.... A book. He was waiting to see her and ask. Cahill went to the mortal world, he was being summoned, and he took the opportunity.

-"Ridia, darling. Come out, I can feel you." He said, gently, his hunting skills were sensitive, and he knew. He then heard a small gasp, and saw a silhouette take form, filling with butterflies of millions of colors, a whole swarm made a naked woman appear, only covered by the butterflies.

           She had really long hairs, round glasses, pale skin, meaty lips, and also had the scars from her eyes down to her jawlines. She was short of height, and she.... Just was surprised. She was too dang beautiful, Alténis just expected a same crazed person, but she was the whole opposite of Cahill. She is indeed, the Daermorah Lady of Mind, the whole sane opposite to Cahill. Alténis figured this out when he watched her appear, his eyes glowed more, and he put down the books, and approached her....

-"You are beautiful." He just said.

-"How did you know I was here?" She asked, with a soft voice, almost cracking due to nervousness. She blushed. Her big eyes glowing pink, and other shades of colors, amazed, slowly with her hands holding a book with the name 'Alténis'. He was curious but he just wanted to talk.

-"I am a Hunter Elf, nothing escapes my senses." He replied, normally. "I just have questions, I noticed you can both see into the future, present and past, but also different decisions and alternate realities of 'what ifs' and the like.... Just, what should I do to protect my mother?"

-"I cannot answer concretely or it would Alter the Time itself. A chain reaction that Emitt doesn't like at all, and takes time fixing. Cahill made it several times, with Heindall and others.... But I can tell you one thing...." She said.

-"Heindall? He.... Never mind. What is it?" He was curious, he was anxious to know, but just spoke gently, which made Ridia hesitate for a few seconds, until she could find the right words....

-"I.... Uh.... Don't.... Just, don't go to the Ball." She said, guarding the secret once again. For the plot of this book and the story, it has to be kept that way too. OK? Ok.

Alténis was not disappointed, although Ridia thought he would be.... After all, anything could happen. With joy, he hugged the female demon and she just gasped once more; she has never been hugged.

-"Thank you." He said firmly.

Ridia once again, instead of pale became red, and disappeared in a swarm of millions of butterflies once more. This time the effect was bigger, taking Alténis out of Libranya. He then got his horse and went back to the capital, it was getting late at night and the travel took several hours.

Umurrah was already at the pub when Kroarl arrived. Her completely unmatched clothing made Kroarl laugh inside, but he maintained his composure.... Although it was difficult to do so. Sadly.


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