Rhea pulled herself out of Kol's grip and stepped towards Marcel, a pleading look upon her face.

"I know you're hurt, Marcel. I loved Davina too, it would break her heart to see you like this." She said slowly, and for a split second— the Mikaelson brothers thought she had got through to him, until Marcel's face contorted in anger.

Marcel raised his hand, pointing in Rhea's face, "Don't even say her name. If it weren't for you, she'd still be alive."

Rhea slapped his hand down, "But she's not, so stop this. It's an insult to her memory." She spat out.

Marcel grabbed ahold of Rhea then, with the help of vampire speed— he was able to get her in a choke hold so that she was facing the Mikaelsons.

All the vampires around them starting cheering, Kol stepped towards Marcel hesitantly, his gaze locked onto Rhea's.

"Let her go, mate. That's your only warning."

Marcel laughed, "You see, I've got something very special for each of you." Marcel let his vampire face come out and although Rhea couldn't see it, she knew by the look on Kol, Elijah and Klaus' faces. Her gut feeling had been right, he had took the remainder of Lucien's serum.

Whilst Marcel had been talking, no one had noticed his other hand slip into his back pocket, or what he had pulled out.

The shot echoed throughout the compound, a loud scream had followed— from Rhea. The first thing Kol could see was the blood seeping through her white t-shirt and the mere sight of it was enough to send him over the edge.

Marcel, seeing that Kol was gunning for a fight, let Rhea's body fall to the ground before running at Kol.

The two start fighting, viciously, the crowd around them getting louder by the second. Elijah came to Rhea's side, wondering why a simple gunshot wound was affecting the witch so.

Rhea tried to move, she tried to talk, to tell Kol to stop— but she couldn't. Her vision blurred and her words wouldn't leave her mouth.

She tried her hardest to focus on the fight, squinting her eyes, her vision finally came into focus at the wrong moment— when Marcel had bit Kol.

"KOL!" She finally managed to cry out, Marcel snapped the younger Mikaelson's neck before tossing him aside. Waiting for the next, he turned to Rhea and Elijah.

"You see, this gun had one bullet in it, Rhea. The bullet itself is made out of some rare ingredients. Ones that can kill even you." He informed the witch. Klaus and Elijah shared a worried look, wondering if there was truth in Marcel's words.

Elijah helped Rhea to stand, she had mustered all the strength she had, "You see, Marcel. You missed out one key point, in order for that bullet to really knock me dead, you had to shoot it through my heart. And you didn't. So I have until it reaches my heart to find a cure. Congratulations on your failure."

Marcel growled, advancing on Elijah, effectively pushing Rhea out of the way, she lost her balance for a second but was caught by Kol, who had just woken from his temporary death.

He laid her down on the floor, staring at the bullet wound in her stomach, "Rhea, I heard what you said. You only have until that bullet reaches your heart."

Rhea nodded, "And you only have until that bite takes you."

He nodded sullenly, "I didn't want this, for you." He confessed lowly, for a moment, the vampires around them faded away, the fight between his brothers and Marcel had disappeared. It was just them. It would always be just them.

"Hey, look at me." Rhea said weakly, reaching up to cup his cheek, "This wasn't you, ok? I don't blame you, you've done nothing but grow as a person lately and I, I couldn't be prouder of you— because the person I'm looking at now, is completely different to the person you were just a few years ago, in Mystic Falls. The way you've been, how you kept on fighting for us, just shows that vampirism didn't take away your heart." She confessed, a stray tear falling down her face.

He placed his hand over her own one resting on his cheek, "I'm so in love with you, Rhea Mikaelson."

Before Rhea could reply, someone shouted, "STOP!" From across the courtyard, reminding the two of the chaos surrounding them. When they both laid eyes on the blonde before them, they finally had a slither of hope between them.



So guys, RETURN is published and the first chapter will be up tomorrow night. Can't wait for you to see what Rhea and Kol got up to in Mystic Falls and to see how much Kol has grown since then characteristically.

The next chapter of War Of Hearts will be the last 😰 until Season 4 which I'm hoping I can work around!

Let me know you thoughts as always
-Meg 💓

WAR OF HEARTS ↠ KOL MIKAELSON Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora