The Devil's Obession

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Yeah, that's right ya'll (: Back and better than before. Enjoy!


Chapter 1

Austin sets my body on fire. Heat rises from my toes, passing my waist, and to my neck, leaving my mind racing with pleasurable thoughts. His hands are everywhere – on my breasts, thighs, arms, back. This time it’s inevitable, unstoppable.  

"Haze,” he whispers.

The sound of his voice was so intense, and so seductive that I don't think I can wait anymore. My body tightens in response. Why is this so bad but so good? I can only explain so many of my feelings at this moment, because it is so hard to think but so easy to feel. My whimsical youth is no excuse for the way I am acting, but I want him now. Forever, I will live with no regrets of this night.  

His hands move their way down to my underwear, tugging on them with his robust hands. Isn’t making love supposed to be slow? How can you go slowly when everything is going so fast? The dim lights, the candles, and the music play in the background...he knew it was going to happen. We both knew it was time.  

Austin's tongue plays with mine in wild hunger, and he can't seem to take the impatience my wet panties are giving him. With force, he rips the thin thread and his hands massag my sex, slowly and teasingly.  

I moan in his mouth, and I can feel him smirk against mine. His erection grinds along my entrance, making my body want to collapse in his arms. This was all new for me, and the teasing is way too much for the first time.

My hands play in his hair, tugging on the light brown strands. My legs wrap around his waist in one quick movement, and the next thing I know I'm naked climaxing on my boyfriend’s perfect fingers. 

He grunts, kissing down my neck and each of my breasts before going down to my belly button.  

"Austin," I whimper, trying to keep myself under control. But then he comes to a complete halt. His body is rigid and firm.  "Austin?" 

I run my hands from up his back, and touch his shoulder to see if he was okay. He makes no reaction, and I begin to get scared. What the hell is going on? Is there something about his health I’m missing? With much force, I push him harder and blood splatters all over my hands. 

So many emotions and acquisitions come flying into my head, and I can't move. My body is as stiff board, and I look around as if there is some explanation. I want to scream, but my throat is choked up. A shiny glare catches my eye and I automatically find the answer. A knife is stabbed into Austin's back from behind.  

My body begins to tremble uncontrollably.  

"Sweet dreams sweetheart." 

My vision is automatically blocked, and before I can snap back to reality and scream, a piece of duct tape is placed over my mouth. I already knew I was going to be raped. The disgusting hands moved their way down my body, and tears burn in my eyes. Violated isn’t the term I will use for this. There is no word to describe how dirty I feel. I can't bare the feeling of another man's hands on me.  

"I love'em when they're tied up." 

A scream burst through my lungs but is quickly muffled by the duct tape. A huge pain makes its way through my head, moving through my body. The murderer hit me, and it isn’t long after, that I pass out.  

Lord Kane of Bridgewood, 

We have captured your inamorata and liquidated her former beau. The assassination was swift and decisive; hence your scheme should go as you devised it. Please observe, we have done your deed with great auspice and scrutiny - therefore, our far odyssey should be less perilous.  

Your pure morsel (hardly) should be on your front step few hours after the ball. Do not attempt to gripe about our trek. You shall abate more and more days, hours, and minutes without your provender. If you are brimmed with luck, may her body still be of breath. 

Sir Night 


Kane rereads the letter many times before crumbling it up into a ball, and throwing it into the face of his drudge. His temper is set very short, for his patience was warring off swiftly.  

"Preposterous!" he yells, his British accent resonating strongly through his manor. Kane's skin is dust white, and his eyes showed of hollowness.  

                'If they were going to take so very long, I should have done it myself' he thinks, eyeing his grudge. Long hairs hang from her nostrils, and blackness surrounds her eyes. The white hairs on her head are unkempt, and as much as he loathes admitting it, she is not old. He knows that she knows there is no other reason for living, and that she is trapped inside of this place for as long as her life carries on. No propaganda could alter Kane's mind and as far as he knows, the grudge thouinks so also. 

"Fetch me a quill ball point and my stationary tome," he demands, his strong tone rising in his voice. The drudge ambles out the room, and soon comes back with his writing tools. 

 "Is there anything else I can help you with, sir?" she asks nervously. 

Kane stares at the outside of his manor, and sees that the clouds are a gray color and rain i\s threatening the sky. Lightning flashes his green eyes, and turns his deep black hair a luminous blue color. 

His guests will be there soon, and the stillness in the air told it all. He must be the elegant, articulate, and incredibly handsome pedigree that they know him as. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2012 ⏰

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