Never doubt the ones you love

Mulai dari awal

I looked at her and smiled, “All boys are.”


I soon finished mine and kissed my mom good bye. Allen and I decided to go to the library.


He asked, “Have you finished your spring projects? My teachers gave us ours early.”


Crap I forgot. It was March and some of my teachers gave me tons of work to do.


“N-no. I didn’t even start! Oh god I’m done for. Mr. Sebastian gave me a lot of trigonometry homework instead of a project. Mrs. Leigh gave the whole class three history projects and Mrs. Wesler gave us a chem. assignment. On top of that, Mr. Davinci is having us write a twenty page essay on Romeo and Juliet. There’s no way I can do all of that in a month and a half.”


He chuckled, “We have the same teachers, we can work on them together, don’t worry. Unless your grades need improvement…”  


I sighed, “A’s in all of my classes, but these projects can change all of that.”


He wrapped his arm around me, “It’s going to be fine, you’re smart Ly” He said comfortingly.


We walked into the library and walked into the far end. The end no one goes to. We sat down looking around.


“I better go get books for my history projects.” I said standing up and glancing around to see the “History” section.


Allen stood up as well, “Yea, I need some books for English…” We smiled at each other and went separate ways.


I’m glad Allen’s here for me. He’s my mate, but he’s also my best friend. Life can’t get better than that. I’m never pressured to do anything. Not all dates have to be fancy or romantic. We could go to the library and study together, and we would both enjoy each others company. I guess it happens when you find your “True love”. I shook my thoughts away and concentrated on finding my history books. I was looking through the tall bookshelves full of new and old books. I finally found the book I needed, but it was way too high for me to reach. I got on my tippy toes and tried reaching for it. Ugh no use. I reached once more when someones hand reached for it from behind me. I quickly turned around and to my horror, Cashmere was standing there, smiling normally?


“What do you want?” I looked at him suspiciously.


“A thank you would’ve been better, but eh.” He handed me my book.


He backed away a few feet and smiled, “You didn’t come to my party Friday night.”


“I fainted.” I said seriously, “Isn’t that a good excuse?”


He frowned, “Fainted? You ok?” He sounded concerned. Hah, like I’d believe him.


Werewolves?!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang