Chapter 6

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Mel's pov
It was finally my favorite class gym. Gym is just all around a good time. You get to see people struggle to run a mile or run pacers. That's one thing I love about being in sports is that no one has to see me struggle to do easy things. Damn I sound like an ass hole but I'm just a cocky little bitch. Well the sport i play is soccer I'm not the only one out of my friends that plays a sport J, Josephine, and Jake all play soccer where all on the same team. Our team is called the Rams. It's kinda funny because the guys that we like are also on a soccer team there team is called Tigers. I know weird why are teams named after animals and why not cooler animals well our towns are shit at coming up with names but let's get back to gym
Coach- Mel and L since you guys already know so much about soccer can you please go clean out the equipment room we have a bunch of new equipment that's coming in tomorrow and we need help cleaning it out
M-Yeah I can do it
L-Yeah sure coach I'll help
Coach okay cool if you guys can move all the stuff that's either falling apart or flat
Mel walked into the equipment room and L followed behind
M-Okay so where should we start
L-Don't know don't really care I just want to get this done and over with so I can go on my phone
M-Damn someone is really married to there phone
L-No my uncle is really sick and he's the uncle that I was really close and Him my mum and my dad went to the doctor last hour and I'm trying to see what's really wrong with him
M-Ohhhh L I'm really sorry
L-Yeah it's fine just like the rest of your group you judge before you know the truth or what's really going on
M-L that's not true
L-Mel yes it is and you know it
M-No it's not my friends and I listen to people's story before we judge
L-No you guys don't I hear the shit you guys say after soccer practice about the people on your team or on my team. You don't know if there playing bad because they had a bad day you just judge and I don't know why you do that but it pisses me off
M-L I'm sorry you think that but we listen our group is normally the group people go to if there down
L-Not really you guys can be ass holes to other people and you know that so stop lying to yourself and just listen to the shit you say about people or really listen to what your friends say
L throws the stuff he had in his hands on the ground walked out
Maybe he's right but maybe she's wrong but I really think he is our group is full of assholes 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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