Chapter 5

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Third person Pov
The four teens where going to lunch after art and just like normal Mel was pushing J into Jake and making him almost fall over
Jo-Mel stop
M-Okay fine
They keep walking and Mel being the bitch she is pushed J into Jake one more time
They walked into the cafe and like always they pass by the table of the boys they like and like normal they pretend like there walking down a runway when walking
M-I love when we walk past there table it's literally the funniest thing
Jo-What do you mean
M-You know what I mean
Jo-No I don't
M-I mean that every time we walk by there table we do a walk like where models and it's the best thing to watch
J-Mel shut up you do it too
M-Yeah I know but I can't see myself do it so I look at you guys for a good laugh

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