Chapter Two :)

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It was 1:06 AM. Koi, being tired, decided to get some rest. "Gtg, bye" She messaged to Twig. "Awe, bye :(" She messaged back to Koi, with that the conversation was over. Koi laid on her bed, thinking about how she would roast zoophiles in the morning.


Twig got out of Wattpad and decided to play some Minecraft for a bit. After all, who didn't own Minecraft?


It took some time, but Koi did eventually get to sleep.
[Now, insert some weird dream bout Twig and Koi here because I'm a wimp and can't write it ;)
Comment what the dream is ;)]

So short but I'm lazy rn

FIFTY SHADES OF KOI - KOI X TWIGWhere stories live. Discover now