Part 7

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He still remembered everything as if it had happened just yesterday. His mother's death had shattered him and his Father. And for ten long years, they had lived a lonely and unhappy life, each too lost to console each other. They had grieved silently. And then gradually he had started seeing changes in his Father. He had started living again, looked happier. Suddenly he had started talking to him, asking him about his days, his studies, his interests. It had confused him. Though he was enjoying this changed Father.

And then one day he had known the reason. His Father had come to him and told the reason behind the happy man he had become. And the reason had angered him. He had argued with his Father, hurled some hurtful words at him. His Father was going to bring a replacement of his mother, and looked all too happy about it. He had forgotten his mother so easily. It had angered him enough to make him choose between him and the other woman. His Father had looked helpless, and had given in. But had defended his love fiercely. He had told him if he doesn't want him to marry the woman he had fallen in love with, then he won't. But he can't stop him from bringing her in his house, because he needs her and she needs him. And he had gone along with that plan.

His Father had brought the woman he had fallen in love with, but she wasn't alone. Along came a toddler of 2 year. His Father was carrying her, and she looked all too happy and content to be in his arms. His Father had walked to him and introduced her to him.

"Shyam, this is Khushi. Khushi, this is Shyam, your big brother" at which the little girl had gurgled happily. "Isn't she the cutest little thing, Shyam? "

And she was. He had just stared at her. She looked like a cherub, an angel from heaven. Her big doe like eyes had looked straight at him, and he had instantly fallen in love with her. His arms had lifted on its own accord to welcome her, and when she had trustingly rested her head on his chest, he had known he was a goner.

They both had accepted each other instanly, but her mother was all together another matter. It was too hard to see the woman take his Mother's place. It had sickened him to see her doing everything only his Mother had the right to do. He had hated her for trying to replace his Mother in everything. She had tried too hard to make him like her, to show him she wasn't trying to erase his mother's memory. But he had seen nothing beyond the fact that from his Father to the servants, everyone was giving her the same respect and love his mother was entitled to.

But the bitterness towards her had done nothing to axe his love for his little angel. She had become the only happiness in his distraught life. She made coming home and living under the same roof as the other woman a lot easier. She would follow him everywhere on her wobbly legs, and he would hold her hand, too afraid that she would fall. She was such an active bundle, wanting to do and learn everything the elders do, at once. And with each passing day, she was making him fall more and more for her. She had become so important to him that nothing else had mattered, not even his bitterness towards her mother. It was his love for Khushi which had finally made him see sense. He wanted a respectful life for his Khushi, and it was only possible if he would allow his Father to marry her Mother. And so for his Khushi, he had accepted her Mother. It was still hard to see her in place of his Mother, but he had started seeing her for the sweet and good - hearted lady she was.

And then again, for the second time, his world had shattered. But this time he had refused to succumb to the loneliness, to the emptiness. For this time he had a little soul to take care of. He had then made her his world, and she had become his only anchor in the world. And for everything she had brought to his lonely life, he had promised to give her everything she asks for. So when she had shocked him by saying she is in love with Arnav Singh Raizada and wants to marry him, he had agreed.

But today seeing where her love has brought her, he wished, for once, he had said her 'No'. Seeing the man, who had reduced her to this, devastated in front of him did nothing to demolish the urge to kill him. But that would wait. Khushi needs him, she needs his support, not the drama.

The thought running in Arnav Singh Raizada's mind was no different from Shyam's. He wanted to kill himself. The unbearable pain in his chest was already at that. He had again let her down. Just this morning she had looked at him so trustingly and he had failed her again. He closed his eyes, the thought too painful. Today when he had seen her fainting, cold fear had iced his viens. He had never felt so afraid and helpless in his entire life. In panic, he had picked her and brought her to hospital, all the way pleading her to open her eyes, but she hadn't. The doctor had assured him that she had fainted due to stress, she would gain her conscious soon. The knowledge that he had done this to a lively and cheerful girl was unbearable.

Can she bring herself to forgive him this time, too? Or has he lost his all chances? The latter thought was a bit too much to bear.! What will he do if she decided enough was enough. He can't blame her if she gave up on him. She had given him enough chances, and he blew it all.

But he can't survive without her. He needs her. She means more to him than he let himself admit. He can't allow her to leave him. Now he will do anything to make her stay with him. She wants him to take break from his business, he will take it. She wants him to spend day and night with her, he will do it. He will give her everything she wants, but he won't allow her to leave him.

But when the nurse came out and delivered his wife's message, his all resolve shattered. Fear veiled his heart and threatened to stop his breath.

"Mrs.Raizada said she don't want to meet her husband, she wants to call her brother"

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