Part 2

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She stared at the rainbow shining in the showered sky. Seven different colors, beautiful, vibrant colors. Each color representing different aspects of life. And she had it all, or so she had thought.

Born in a rich family, she was pampered silly. She had, still has, everything. She had lost her parents when she was just 3, but never felt the lost. At 3, she was too small to understand something as final as death, and since then she was looked after by her step brother, a brother who had then rolled her in a cotton ball and protected her from every harm. He had given her everything she had ever asked for. If she asked him the moon, she had no doubt he will get her that, too.

And so she had thought she can get everything she ever wished for. Oh! How wrong she was. Didn't the one thing she wished the most was going away from her now? She was losing him.

She closed her eyes and turned away from the window. A sob caught in her throat, choking her.

Arnav Singh Raizada! The name which had done something weird inside her even before she had seen the face whom the name belonged to. And then she had met him that evening.

Her brother had invited him over dinner. And like every teenage girl, she was excited with the prospect of dining with a young man. She had rummaged through her wardrobe and picked her prettiest dress, a white off shoulder knee length dress. She had sat with her brother, giddy, waiting for the stranger. After waiting for an eternity, he had walked in, and her breath had caught in her throat. She had seen many handsome men in the magazines she goes through daily, but he...he was something else. He had made her breathless with his mere presence. His sky blue eyes had looked at her and marked her for ever. He had sat beside her, chuckling at her brother's jokes, giving small smiles her way, clearing his throat everytime he caught her staring at him like a besotted fool. And with every passing second, a part of her heart flew to him. And in the coming years, he had captured her heart in such a way that it was impossible to take it back. Not that she had wanted her heart back then. How foolishly she had fallen for him. Fool - that's the perfect word to describe her. She had been a fool, a naive girl, who had thought love was bed of roses. She had thought having him by her side was enough.

And so, when he had proposed her at her 22nd birthday, the fool she was, she had made a grab for it, not waiting to think for a second. Even when he had warned her. He had told her he don't know what love is, he is a complicated man to live with, life with him won't be easy if her idea of married life was a romantic road. Because he just can't give her all that. But back then, all had mattered was the man standing in front of her, not the warnings, not his promise of lack of romance, nothing. She had loved him with all her breath, and she wanted him. She had thought her love was enough. But it wasn't. It isn't!

She walked towards the bed and laid down, burying her face in the pillow. It isn't. Her love isn't enough. She want his love. She want him to love her. She can't go on like this. Especially not now. She has to come first, not his business, not his never ending meetings. He has to quit treating her like a responsibility. She is his wife, he has to treat her like one. If he can't, then..then ..

God! It's so damn hard to even think of that, how had she uttered the word to him? But she had. She had gathered the strength and stood in front of him, asking for the think least expected by him. She had seen the shock on his face. Yes! It was the right think to do. She had wanted to do something which jolts him out of his supposed 'blissful' married life. She had heard him describe his married life with that word - Bliss, to his acquaintances. She knows what his idea of bliss is. No disturbing his schedule, no interfering with his meetings, no demanding his time. And till now, wanting to please him, too afraid to lose him, she had given him exactly that. But not now. Now he has to change. He has to make some space for her in his life. She has given herself to him, and in return he has to share some part of him with her. She knows he hates failure, and divorce for him is a failure. If nothing else, he will fight for success. It pains, oh how it pains, to think he sees their marriage as success and failure, she holds no importance to him. He is unable to love anyone. He had told her. And she had thought her love will he enough for both of them. She still can make it work only if he shows some emotions. When she goes to shop, she wants him by his side, not her chauffeur. When she is ill, she wants her husband sitting by her side, not some highly recommended nurse. He has to stop behaving like a unfeeling robot.

And this is her last fight to make her marriage work, to make a loving man out of her unloving, unfeeling robot of a husband. It has to work, she don't want to lose him. She sobbed in the pillow. "Please... do something.. ..say something, ..I am giving up on you...I don't want to ..."


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