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Arabeth was walking the cold dark hall, the smell of blood and rot in the air. The only sounds were of water dripping in the distance footsteps echoing off the walls and her labored breathing. She was a light dim from around the corner. Her heartbeat quickened as she neared the light. She turned the corner and saw it. A figure silhouetted limping away. Its left foot dragging behind them. A broken lamp  the lit oil spilled onto the floor. And her mother laying dead on the ground. Her throat ripped out, chewed on. The torn skin hung limp. Blood puddled on the floor dripping from her neck. The smell of death hung heavy on the air. She screamed and the figure turned around. "Mom!" She yelled and threw herself onto the limp body of her dead mother. The figure approaches her vastly snarling with hunger. She hold her mothers body sobbing helplessly. As the figure nears she prepares herself for death. Waiting to feel its jaw locked around her throat and nails claw at her mercilessly. She closes her eyes and waits. Then a gunshot rings above her and she wakes up.
       She sits up in bed her shirt stuck to her back sticky with sweat. Breathing heavily she swings her legs over the side of the bed. The cold air on her bare legs. She always has this nightmare. Of the night her mother died. Her father moved her around since then but the sickness always followed. Looking around she wonders about her friends. Are they still alive? Are they as lucky as her? After traveling around quite a bit her father and her found a home for a while. A perfect one. A large glass building with a well out back and solar panels on the roof. Gangs that formed after the outbreak knocked down road signs and mail boxes for fun so she has almost no idea where she could be. She's always wanted to go to mexico and because the area was desert she told herself it was mexico. She stands and walks towards the window and looks out. Seeing only sand and cacti. As she stood there she let herself imagine was it used to be like. The owner of the building. A tall charming man named Juan Renald Diaz Rodreges. His wife and daughter lived on the top floor and they rented the other rooms. Every Friday they would have a celebration! Welcoming the weekends. At least that's how it was, at least in her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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