Mist Day

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It was very early in the morning, I could smell the pine sap oozing sluggishly from the branches of nearby trees. I rubbed my crusted eyes and slid out of bed into the cool morning air. Rays of sunlight streamed through my circular windows and made patterns on the cot and floor.

The old Oak steps creaked slightly under my feet and soon pleasant feeling of softness was below my feet as I touched down on the carpet that Rosette had made me for my sixteenth birthday. I had placed it there.

In the kitchen I skipped over and started the stove. I quietly opened a cupboard and pulled out a small pot, mildly clanging it against others while doing so. I reached into the cupboard beside that and grabbed the bag of oats. Then turned to my left to dip the pot in the bucket and fill it halfway with water. The stove was hot and so I set down the pot of water, then placed the oats beside the stove.

The water would take a while to boil since it was cold so I decided to go look out the window. What my eyes beheld took my breath away.

The sky was clear and the Mist was gone. Completely gone.

I could see trees and mountains and the sun was shining brightly over everything! I saw gorgeous greens, and blues, purples and yellows, orange and reds! It was absolutely magnificent! The sky was a perfect baby blue, my favourite colour. The evergreen trees parted to reveal vast meadows filled with rainbows of wildflowers in every shape, size, colour and type! It was all a sight I had never before seen in my life.

"You like what you see?" A voice asked me.

I just noticed that my window had been opened and Taro was standing to the right of it, looking out at the clear world beyond our horrifying village. I tried to open my mouth but words would not form.

"That is where I came from, my home is far away in those mountains." he explained.

"Wow..." was all I could say .

Taro smiled at me and laughed. "Your oatmeal is overflowing."

"What?" I turned around, confused.


I dashed over and pulled the pot off the element. It had been boiling so much that there was water dripping down the stove to make a boiling puddle on the floor.

"Want some help?" Taro peered in through the open window.

"Ohmygosh! I am so sorry!" I hurried over to the door and slid it open. "Sorry!"

I ran back over to the kitchen, grabbed a rag and began to mop up the mess. I heard Taro walk over and pour the oatmeal into the pot.

"Well, this day has been exciting already!" he exclaimed. "Mind if I stay for breakfast? You never know when that pot might overflow again"

I giggled. "Sure, have a seat."

While the oatmeal cooked we did some catching up from the few days before and talked about what we thought of what would happen today.

Taro reached into his coat and pulled out a box. "Here, happy birthday!"

I smiled. "I forgot! It IS my birthday today!!"

"Yes, now open it come on!"

I threw off the top of the box and reached inside. I gasped. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. A painting of the mountains, wildflowers, trees and meadows, rocky cliffs and bright blue sky. It was the best birthday present ever!

I quickly enveloped Taro in a massive bear hug. "THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is the best birthday present EVER!"

"Ah, I see you like it." Taro grinned and chuckled.

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