
312 8 2

4th August 2015

"Your order?" asked the bartender.

"Two single shots of bourbon; one shot of tequila and a Shirley Temple for the lady of the hour!!" he turns towards her and asks, "Is that even a saying?" and chuckled.

"Shots of bourbon" - she thought. She was not listening to Yash anymore. She mused over the day when she had met HIM. She comes back to reality when Yash yells enthusiastically in her ears,

"Aaj toh peele yaar! It is your day!"

"Exactly. My day. My wish. I don't drink." she smirks at him. The bartender serves their drinks.

"Cheers!!" said everyone, standing at one corner of the bar.

"Congratulations, Babe!! You nailed your dream job!!" said Yash and hugged her in a friendly manner.

"Thanks, dude! Thank you, everyone!!" she smiled at her friends who were enjoying their drinks. Yash gulps down his drink and says,

"I will miss you so much yaar!! When are you leaving??" he asked sadly and pouts.

"Don't worry I am here for another 2-3 weeks to pakaofy you!"she replied and pulled his cheeks which made him smile.

"Toh we are gonna party like anything these last few days, fir kya pata kal ho na ho?" he winked.

"Eeww. Yash! What a filmy line! Try all these on your bimbo girlfriends, ok? Mereko firse bola na toh jumm ke maar paregi!" she replied smacking him on his shoulders.

"R, how long do we have to wait for our table, you should have reserved it from before!" scoffed Brooke.

"B, is it my fault? You guys just picked me up from my house and demanded for a treat!!" she mocked.

"Calm down, you guys! We don't want a cat fight here today!" said Rick with his hands up and kisses Brooke's cheeks. Brooke blushes in response.

"I'll go and check how much longer we have to wait!" said Yash.

"Wait! I'll come with you!" replied Roshni and goes with him to the reception.

"Oye Billi, let me talk to her ok? Just see how she falls in my charm and gives a table to us!!" he whispers to her and walks to the receptionist.

Roshni rolls her eyes and stands at a distance from the reception waiting for Yash to return.

"Hey, I am Yash Mehra and I must say you look pretty in . . "started Yash.

Roshni looked around, it was crowded. She knew how difficult it was to get a table in this hotel. They were waiting at the bar for almost one hour now and it looked like they needed to wait for another. She sighed sulkily.

"Sir, has arrived. C'mon move fast!! I don't want anything to be messed up today! This is the first time he is coming here!!" the manager said in a hushed manner to his staff.

Looking at the sudden change in the behavior of the staff members, Roshni could guess that the owner of the hotel must have come. Yash was still busy flirting with the host; she turned to look at the entrance to see who the owner of the hotel was. A white Limousine arrived at the gate. The security strides towards its door and opens it. He puts his feet on the ground and leans to get off the car.

Shiny black shoes, black pants, white shirt, black slim tie, black blazer - "The guy has good taste in clothes" she thought. She looks at his face at last. She blinks her eyes several times to see whether she was dreaming or was it actually HIM. She stood at her place awestruck. He was engrossed in greeting the hotel staff and receiving flowers from them. There was something different about him this time. His behavior was formal and detached, unlike what she had assumed him to be.

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