Chapter 2: The Dominion

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Cynthen woke up, regaining consciousness of his current situation, but he didn't think much of it at the moment, "So where will I lay a drift to...?" The wooden boat rocked from side to side, having the small brass bell hanging from the starboard ring, directing Cynthen to something approaching him. He cleared his eyes, readjusting his sight until he could view a large figure in the distant clouds ahead. Before long the dinghy reached the docks of a floating island, a large mass of stone and nature flying high in the sky. Cynthen smiled, "Alright, done with step 1 of my journey, locate a Merchantium." After he said that he picked up the rope at the floor of the dinghy and threw it onto the dock, tightly reeling in the boat to the side of the peer. He then stepped off and into the small city that was resting on the island, with his robot friend hovering behind him.

The city was very compact, dirty, and extremely loud. You couldn't step more than 5 meters before seeing at least one filthy, brown rat that scurried across the street. To his luck though, Cyn had found a map that was nailed to the outer oak wall belonging to a wealthy home. "Alright... if I want to get to the most low key pawn star on this dreadful isle I will have to go through the plaza. But I'm bound to see some of the cops there.. I suppose the ally way is always the best plan." Cynthen then walked away from the map, dispatching his body towards the pitch black maze. "Libro Libra Archtech Device: Illumisola" Cyn said, having the robot illuminate the close quartering walls. The brightness only granted him sight on the wretched brick path between the city walls and with having trash litter the way.

"This reminds me of when I was on the ship ha..." Cynthen brushed a cob web out of the way, "Now that they don't have me, I think they may be on the brink of economic distress." Cynthen continued down, taking a sharp turn to his east. Finally, he reached his destination where there was an opening of the path which spread out into the main street. The bustling civilians making a good cover for Cynthen's identity to the Merchantium's cops. He swiftly ran through the mess of people dressed in semi-Victorian outfits until he reached the pawn shop across the road. After Cynthen made it over there, he pressed his hands on the glass door and opened it up. A man was behind the cashier, his name tag had the title 'Mr. Harrison' on it. Cynthen grinned, "Yo."

Mr. Harrison smiled back, "Hello! How can I help you?"

"I'm here to trade a certain weapon for cash."

"Alright, well then what is it?"

Cynthen threw a sharp cutlass onto the counter, with a purple jewel embossing the handle. "Here ya go."

"Well then." He picked up the weapon, gleaming at it from all the available angles. "Ah I see, this belongs to Captain Samuel of the Scavenging Pirates. From the looks at it, I would believe that you stole this from him, hm?" Harrison smirked lightly.

"Well, this isn't exactly a law bound area, it's just a small Merchantium, do you want it or not?"

"This Merchantium has a name, and it's Lumbus. But yeah, I'll give you 1 gold coin for it."

"Alright, sweet I will take it."

After that, the transaction was performed and Cynthen received his single gold coin. Cyn thanked the pawn shop employee and bid farewell. He then left the shop and headed back into the tightly congested city so he could continually be unnoticed. "I guess I finally got my one month's pay after winning the bet, he he..." In the steampunk world that Cynthen is currently settled in, one gold coin equals 100 silver coins, and one silver going equals one copper coin. Sadly though, Cyn could not convert the individual coin to 100 silver coins because he's a outlaw and can't go to the bank. "I'm going to have to gain a new identity if I want to live without the cops constantly running after me." Cynthen then headed to the citizenship office through viewing the location on a map similar to the first one he saw.

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