I Am Become Death

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Sam's POV

My head is pounding and my throat feels dry. I don't know what happened or where I am. Everything is just...dark and quiet. I tried to open my eyes but it was as if they were glued shut. I tried to speak but it was as if I didn't know any words. I listened to everything that was around me until I heard someone's voice.

"Hey, sleepy head. You gotta wake up."

Just by those words my eyes were finally able to open. I still had a massive headache but all of that was forgotten when I saw Octavia standing over me.

"Hey" I whispered my throat still feeling dry.

"Here. Drink some water. It will help."

She gentle lifted my head up and guided the water to my lips.

"What happened?"

"You were poisoned...by Anya. I got the antidote from Lincoln. He also gave me a message from Anya. I don't know if..."

"Tell me."

Octavia sighed. "She said that she was sorry. She didn't want to do it but she had no choice. She had to send a message, but she was never gonna let you die."

I nodded but with the pounding in my head it was barely noticeable.

"You don't forgive Anya. Do you?"

"I do."

"How could you..."

"Because...we tortured Lincoln and he still forgave us."

Octavia nodded in understanding.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked taking notice of the quite.

"Bellamy, Clark, Finn, Raven, and some others are out. Sam, the exodus ship came early...but it crashed last night."

My eyes began to burn and a hot tear rolled down my face. "My dad..."

"They didn't want me to tell you right away, but I thought you should know."

"Thank you."

She nodded. "Get some rest. I'll check up on you in a couple minutes."

I closed my eyes instantly falling into a deep, dreamless sleep.


My eyes fluttered open to the sound of the tarp over the drop ship opening.

"Hey." Bellamy said placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I tried to sit up but the pain in my head returned. Bellamy grabbed my back helping me sit up all the way.

"Slow down, Blondie."

I smiled remembering the nicknames we gave each other. "You wish, Charming. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the meeting."

"Why didn't you?"

"I don't know. When Finn told me that we could make peace, I just... I'm tired of living in fear. Of always having to look over my shoulder. Always having to carry a gun even when we are inside the camp. Always worrying about you when you're on a hunt and not knowing if you're gonna come back or not."

Bellamy seemed surprisingly calm. He grabbed the side of my face and placed a gentle and passionate kiss on my lips. Once he pulled away, he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back soothingly.

"I get it. Just next time, tell me."

"I don't think there is going to be a next time. So you have nothing to worry about."

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