The Gift

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It was Friday afternoon and the MCRT had just finished wrapping up a double homicide. Gibbs had excused everyone early as the long hours from working the case were beginning to take a toll on the team. DiNozzo and David didn't think twice as they shut down their computers, collected their belongings and bolted to the elevator. After they left, Tim approached his Boss' desk and took a seat on the edge. Waiting until the older man met his gaze he smiled warmly, "Got any plans this weekend, Boss?"

Gibbs sat back in his chair, intertwined his fingers and rested them on his stomach. Searching the younger man's face, he raised his eyebrows slightly and whispered, "I don't know. You'll have to ask my partner. He keeps me awfully busy."

Tim nodded and leaned in closer, "How terrible to think you have a significant other who satisfies your every need and then some."

"I know, that's what I keep telling him, but it's been three years and I don't think he's going anywhere."

Chuckling, Tim lightly brushed his fingertips over Gibbs' thigh and went back to his desk. After putting on his coat, he shouldered his backpack and stopped by Gibbs' desk one last time. "Don't stay too late, Boss. It's been a long week and we could all use a little rest."

"I have to update Vance on the case and then I'll be on my way home." Shooting Tim a quick wink, he continued, "I'll see you on Monday, McGee."

Tim strolled out of the bullpen and waited for the elevator. Once the doors opened and he stepped in, he allowed a huge grin to appear on his face. He could hardly wait for the elevator to reach the parking garage and when it finally did he sprinted to his car. There were a few errands he needed to run and still beat his lover home. This was one day when he hoped Gibbs would take his time so that he could complete the surprise he had planned. The two men had been in a relationship for over three years and while the immediate team knew about them it wasn't something they advertised at work. Once on the road he called their favorite restaurant and ordered dinner for both of them. With the dinner order placed and an estimated time for pick up, he stopped off at a local grocery store to grab a few last minute necessities. Finishing at the store he continued on to the restaurant and was relieved to see his order, bagged and ready to go. Paying for his order he glanced at his watch and cringed when he saw how much time had passed since he'd left work. Knowing he'd have to hurry to beat his lover home, Tim channeled Gibbs' driving skills and raced home. Sighing in relief when he realized he'd beaten the older man home, he collected all the bags and headed inside. Quickly dropping them off in the kitchen he wasted no time in stacking logs and kindling in the fireplace. With the fire roaring he returned to the kitchen to finish setting up the rest of his surprise. The dinners were staying warm in the insulated thermal bags the restaurant provided so he unpacked the rest of the groceries, grabbed plates and silverware from the cupboards and opened a bottle of wine. Heading back into the family room, he turned off all the lights except for a floor lamp and then he lit various candles throughout the room. Upon hearing Gibbs' car pull into the driveway, Tim began unwrapping their food and was carrying it into the family room when the older man walked through the door.

"Something smells good, Timmy." Gibbs stated as he shed his coat and hung it in the hall closet.

"Let's hope it tastes as good as it smells, babe." Tim responded wrapping his arms around his lover's neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. As they continued kissing, Gibbs' hands roamed over Tim's thin but muscular frame before coming to a stop on his ass. Tim moaned as Gibbs massaged the firm globes and feeling his other organ stirring, suddenly backed away from him. Although they hadn't had relations in over a week and Tim really wanted nothing more than to jump in bed with his man, they had all weekend for that. He had a special surprise waiting for after dinner and wanted to carry through with his plan. Gibbs gave a breathy laugh, cornered Tim against the wall and growled, "Someone is playing hard to get. That's a game I certainly don't mind playing along with."

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