Graduation and A Bottle Of Champagne

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I put on my robe and tie my hair up in some fancy braid thing. I link arms with Hermione and Ginny. We walk down to the courtyard and sit in the Gryffindor section. Pansy was expelled from Hogwarts for stabbing Draco so she's not here. After the boring graduation thing we all say our goodbyes to each other. A lot of tears were shed I'm not gonna lie. I hug Luna and Sheamus. Neville runs up to me with tears running down his face. "I'm gonna miss you Zo," he says. I hug him tightly. Me and him have a long history. After all the goodbyes me, Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco, Blaise and Ginny head back to our house. (The Weasleys house remember she lives there). We all sit up in my room. The couples are cuddling together and Blaise is sitting in top of my dresser. He's very drunk. What? We're all 18 or over. Draco and Ron are both drunk along with Hermione. It's quite hilarious really. She keeps quoting famous wizards randomly. At like 5 in the morning we are all asleep.

(All Still Staying At The Weasley's Place)
Me and Draco are on a walk along the beach. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asks. "Yes but I love hearing you say it," I giggle. He chuckles too. "You know, there's something I've been procrastinating for a while now. I've wanted to do it for ages. I think now is the right time to do it. He gets down on one knee. I cover my mouth with my hand. "Zoey Potter, please say yes to this or I will hate myself forever," I giggle. "Will you marry me?" He asks. "Yes you idiot!" I scream tackling him and pressing my lips to his. He places the diamond ring on my finger and pecks my lips one last time before getting up. "We have some news to tell and a wedding to plan," he says interlocking our hands. We walk back to the house hand in hand. Tears are involuntarily streaming down my face. We both can't wipe the smiles off our face. "What did my brother say when you asked him for our blessings?" I ask. Draco stops. "I was meant to do that?" He chuckles. I laugh. "Oh boy, you're in for a treat," I chuckle. We walk in and Molly asks us what we're happy about. "Guys, can you all come in here?" Draco shouts. They all come running in. "Guys, we have some news," I say looking at Harry having a conversation with Mr Weasley. This'll shut up their conversation really quick. "We're engaged!" I shout. Molly, Hermione and Ginny squeal excitedly. Blaise somehow jumped into the screaming pile of girls and was screaming with them. I laugh at the scene. Harry and Mr Weasley are frozen. Ron is just smiling while eating a cupcake. "You're what?!?!!" They scream. Mr Weasley is like my dad so he can get a little overprotective sometimes. After a while of calming them down Molly is popping a champagne bottle and we're all toasting to our new chapter in life. Hermione comes up to me. "You need a dress, you need a place to have the wedding," she says. "Good thing I have a control freak for a maid of honour then don't I," I say chuckling. She giggles and punches my arm playfully. "Oh crap, I'm getting married," I say as it kicks in. Draco walks up to me and snakes his hand around my waist. "Oh crap, we're getting married," he says. I giggle. I show everyone the ring he got me. I am still in love with it.

I have decided that I want a Slytherin look because Draco has stated he's wearing a Gryffindor tie

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I have decided that I want a Slytherin look because Draco has stated he's wearing a Gryffindor tie. It's a symbol of forever love between the two rival houses. The houses can finally live in peace. I smile happily. I love this man so much.

I walk into the living room and sit down next to my fiancé. "So what are your wedding plans so far?" Ginny asks while sitting on Harry's lap. "Well, we're getting married in 2 months, on a Friday, on the same beach he proposed to me at. I'm wearing a bit of Slytherin stuff and he's wearing a Gryffindor tie. The theme is Hogwarts by the way," I say. They nod. Harry is walking me down the 'aisle' and Draco's best man is Blaise. I smile up at my soon to be husband and he smiles back. I can't wait for this wedding.

(A/N) guys! This book is almost over. One more chapter left! But that's ok because as soon as it is over I'll be releasing a sequel called 'A New Start'. Enjoy the last chapter guys. Lol who am I kidding no one will read this.

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