I walked swiftly, my long box braids tapping my back as I did. I didn't want to get caught by any of the hood boys while my dad was close by. He would either, one, flip shit, two, embarrass me, or three, do both at the same time. That was just something I didn't need nor want to happen. Finally reaching my dads 2011 Chrysler, I hopped in the vacant front seat. "Hi daddy." I leaned over the console to kiss his cheek. "Hey Jelly." I cooed at my now two-year-old baby sister Anjelica. She smiled, laughing in her car seat.

"Sissy!" I laughed at her, turning back around in my seat and buckling the safety belt firmly across my body. I loved my little sister, when she was first born I resented her. I was jealous that she would get to grow up with a father there for her. My father that is. He would get to see her growing up, attend her piano lessons, her gymnastic events. She would have a chance at something I didn't get for a very long time. But eventually I got over it. What is most important is that I have my father now and that he isn't going to abandon me or her.

"So what was so important that I had to get all the way out of bed and dressed for today?" My dad moved uncomfortably in his seat. He cleared his throat and placed both hands firmly on the steering wheel.

"I, uh... I asked Cat to marry me." Cat was his longtime girlfriend and Jelly's mom. I liked Cat, she was nice and had a really kind heart. I found it cute that my dad wanted to marry her, it wasn't a bad thing that he was moving forward in his life after my mother. I could never be mad at him for that. She made her own decisions, ones that none of us were prepared for.

"I'm happy for you, bud." I gave a genuine smile and patted his shoulder. He shook my hand away laughing.

"I'm the father here, don't pat my shoulder like that."

"Aw, it's okay dad." I laughed with him. "But this still doesn't explain why you drug me out of bed..."

"We want you in the wedding... a bridesmaid with her best friend's son as your escort." I nodded, accepting their offer. This was also very cute to me. I had never had the opportunity to be in anyone's fancy wedding. "We're going to look for Jelly and your dress today. You get a dress different from all the others."

"This is exciting." I grinned big. I had also never been shopping for expensive, fancy gowns. I already had a thousand shapes, colors, lengths running through my mind. I would be the prettiest of this whole affair, besides Cat of course. "What are the colors, daddy?"

"You know Catherine and all that damn pink... So pink white and silver. Jelly's dress will be pink, you get to choose from pink and silver." I nodded again, still visualizing all the dresses I could choose from.

The car stopped out front of a dress shop. Cat and her friends, the other bridesmaids I presume, were all already outside of the shop.

"When did you propose?" It was a little soon to be picking out dresses if he had just asked her...

"About a year ago..." I scrunched up my eyebrows, confused as to why he was just now telling me. I decided against asking further questions. I didn't want to get too far out of my place, he wasn't obligated to tell me since they were practically married already. They've been in love for nearly four years now.

After hours of dress shopping I asked my dad to drop me off at Shy's. Of course he didn't know I was going to be at Shy's house, I told him it was a female friend from school. My dad never asked too many questions. Being that he wasn't around like he should have been he let his guilt get the best of him. He didn't question me, got me any and everything I wanted, and trusted me with everything. It wasn't a good tactic, but in most cases it worked well for me. I always got to go and see my lovely boyfriend.

"Bye daddy! Thanks for bringing me!" I kissed his cheek. "See you later Jelly! Love you guys!" I kissed my little sister goodbye as well before exiting the car. Cat had stayed behind at the bridal shop to help her friends make more decisions.

I made my way to the door, I was excited to see my baby again. I knocked on the door and turned to wave my dad off. He smiled, waving back before starting his car back up. "Have a nice time, honey!" He called out of the window before driving off.

Shy opened the door and stretched. A yawn escaped from his mouth. "Were you sleeping?" I asked, coming into the house. He nodded and walked into the kitchen. "I'm sorry, baby. I just wanted to see you." I took a seat at the island while he poured himself a glass of ice water.

"It's okay, ma. I missed you anyways." He took a large sip from his glass. I smiled as he looked down on me. I already knew what was going through his mind.

"Nu uh. Not today Shy." He chuckled deeply.

"What you talking about?"

"I came to see you not your little friend."

"Ain't nothing little over here, you know that."

"And still, I came to see you."

"Mhm, I like this shirt..." He tugged it lightly at the bottom. It was a plain fitted tshirt, I couldn't see why. "It makes your titties look big."

"Shy!" I slapped his arm with the back of my hand. I couldn't help it. No matter how long I had been with him, how much we had did together, I always felt embarrassed when he said things like that. It was almost like I was insecure about my body when it came to him and shouldn't be... He's seen me naked more than enough times.

"Hands to yourself, Cadence."

"Or?" I challenged.

"Or, I'll have to tap that ass out. Keep playing." I laughed, turning around to walk out of the kitchen.

"Whatever!" I sang. I got all the way to the stairs before my feet left the ground. First I screamed, then I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably realizing it was just Shy. "Put me down!" I choked out as he carried me up the stairs. He didn't reply, just kept on walking. He reached his room, walking quickly through the opened door. Throwing me on the bed, my body bounced back up a little. "Shy leave me alone." I laughed.

"You asked for it, though."

"No," I whined. "I was kidding baby." He laid on top of me, placing his head in the crook of my neck.

"Yeah yeah." He rolled over next to me, laying on his back. I turned on my side so I could look at him as he asked me about my day. We talked about little stuff and flicked through some tv channels before I decided it was time for me to go. Shy was tired anyways. He was half asleep. "You leaving me?" He asked groggily as I got up from the bed.

"Yeah... I'll come back as soon as I can."

"I'll take you home... It's getting late." I agreed and waited for him to put on shoes and a tshirt.


So guess who's back from their unintentional, near year long hiatus!? Me! And I'm more excited than ever!! I'm officially going to get the ball rolling on this and I can't wait! I'm in love with the innocence of Cadence! After I finish up the last couple of chapter of Turned Out this story will have all of my focus!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2017 ⏰

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