Chapter One

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[1] Behind Closed Doors

Getting off the bus, I made my way to Shy's house. I was more excited to see him than ever. I hadn't seen Shy in a week, maybe two. It had been too damn long, for sure. I talked on the phone with him every night, texted him every day. I just hadn't been able to get over to this side of town in a while. I missed his ass like crazy and the fact that it took two busses to get to him from my place wasn't any help. I had to skip school and go see him, that way it only took me one bus. A long bus ride no doubt, but I got there and it was definitely worth it.

Shy is my nineteen year old boyfriend. Yes, he is five years older than me, but love is love regardless of age. My dad was ten years older than my mom, making him twenty seven when she was just seventeen. They married and had three kids together. I'm simply dating an older guy.

People can tell by just talking, looking, or even seeing me that I'm a lot more mature than my age. I don't act like the average fourteen year old, or even nineteen year old. I'm grown in mentality, but still thought of as a little kid in reality. Well, that changed when Shy came around last year. He didn't treat me like little thirteen year old Cadence, he treated me like grown woman trying to make it out the hood Cadence and that's why I fell in love with him. He showered me with gifts, shopping sprees, love, money, and I even let him take the one very special possession I had to my name. My virginity, he got it. I gave it to him willingly with no problem. We had sex multiple times, what I imagine to be the best there is. He's what I imagine to be the best. He's like Caleb, my older brother, but he doesn't work so hard for what he has, he gets it the dirty way, and he's almost always had a silver spoon. Other than that, they're the same. He is what I picture Caleb himself wants to be.

I knocked on Shy's door, waiting patiently for him to answer. Within less than a minute he appeared before me. Shirtless, smirking, and holding an unlit blunt in between his index finger and thumb. I smirked back at him, shaking my head at his roaming eyes. "Stop!" I giggled, pushing him backwards through the threshold and making my way into his home.

"I ain't do nothing yet, bae. Them leggings, though, they tempting a nigga." He looked over me again, licking his full lips in the process. It was crazy how he could still make me blush. I turned away from him, shutting and locking the front door, then went to join him on the couch. He was already slouched back, comfortable. All I did was turn around and he done got this damn comfortable. I shook my head again, smirk still on display and laid across his lap. He was watching a sitcom on tv which surprisingly was on Disney Channel. I looked up at him confused. "What's on yo mind?" He asked lighting his blunt.

"I'm just trying to figure out what you doing watching Disney Channel?"

"I knew you was coming through, I had to play something for the kids." He chuckled deeply, inhaling smoke from his blunt straight after. I rolled my eyes and reached for the remote. I got it in my hands, but had it snatched right back out. "What you doing? This shit be good when I'm smoking, bae. You know Walt Disney smoked loud. How you think he came up with the idea of talking ass animals walking on two legs? I can relate to this nigga!" Shy exclaimed then burst out laughing at something on the tv. I smacked my lips, snatching the remote back from him. I wasn't about to watch Disney Channel with his high ass. No way, no how.

"I'm not watching this..." I started to flip through channels, but there really was anything on. It was daytime and the only potentially good shows on were Steve Wilkos, Jerry Springer, and Maury one after the other. Jerry Springer was on right now. Currently two females were fighting over the paternity of one of their baby. The mother of course thought it belonged to whatever man, but the other female did not. I assumed she was the girlfriend or family member of the male.

'Bitch, he ain't denyin' my baby! This ain't got shit to do with you!' The mother screamed over the audience.

'I known you all my life Shayla! I was your best friend, you told me this wasn't J's baby!'

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