Chapter 2

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Dragoron and me race to the field, with me winning. He didn't really stand a chance as earth dragons aren't built for speed. He's more bulky than fast, speaking of which it's a surprise he's so intelligent, after all you're either brainy or buff. But Dragoron is a tad wimpy. We reached the field and met up with the gang. Everyone was there! Bas, Drakako, Alexia and Dracerier!

Bas, (I forgot to mention before, his full name is Baskarrthiliss, but it's a bit of a mouthful, so we call him Bas.) as I said before, is a Sea Basilisk hybrid dragon. His scales are sea green and scaly. He can be a bit annoying sometimes, but he means well. As his mother is a basilisk, he gives quite the glare. (It doesn't petrify you though!) Drakako is a petrol-coloured dragon. He's basically the leader of the group and all though he's tough, he's still got a kind heart. He's a pure night dragon. Alexia is a fuchsia dragon with beautiful amethyst gems over her body. Her mother is a rose serpent and her father is an amethyst dragon. Finally, there is Dracerier. She is a dark purple night dragon with yellow markings on her body. She is a pure night dragon like Drakako but obviously not all dragons are the same.

"Late, as usual." Announced Bas.
"It's alright, it's not like we're going to be late back." Objected Drakako.
"Sorry guys!" Dragoron and me replied.
"Are we all ready then?" Asked Dracerier.
"Yes!" We all replied.

We all ran up the hill and on top, we overlooked the meadow. We saw all of our neighbours on grassy field. Two fire dragons were flying off going to hunt. Speaking of which we can't fly. Sure, we all have wings (except Dragoron), but we haven't learnt how yet. We made sure no one was watching us, then we headed for the forest.

When we got to the edge of the trees it took some deciding who was going first. We were all scared after all and were only younglings. Eventually Drakako stepped up and we followed. Alexia muttered several times about getting muddy, but everyone ignored her. We had never been in a forest. It was beautiful. Wonderful wildlife and fascinating greenery. We carried on following Drakako, even though he didn't know where we should be going. Even if we didn't get anywhere, the trip through the forest was enough for me.

"Stop!" Whispered Drakako
"There's something up ahead"
"What is it?"
"It's talking! "it must be a dragon!"
"Why would a dragon be out here?"
"Hunting maybe?"
"Shh! It's coming this way!"

We all dived for cover, me, being the smallest getting knocked dizzy. When I regained my sight, I saw Alexia stood in front of me.

"Why aren't you hiding!?" I asked hurriedly.
"Are you kidding!? I'm not jumping in those filthy bushes!" She exclaimed.
"They're coming!" I shouted as I darted into the foliage. I heard voices approaching but Alexia wouldn't budge.

"Are you sure?" Asked a worried voice.
"Yes! The scout saw them in the meadow" replied a deep voice, probably belonging to a tough dragon.
"Wait... Shush." Said the deep voice.

They went quiet after that. I started Getting worried. Scout? Was this another clan of dragons? What if they found our village? Suddenly I heard a scream. Alexia! I peeked through the shrubbery to see Alexia trapped by a net! Wait... Those aren't dragons... Humans!!! My mother had told me stories about them but I didn't know they actually existed! There were two of them, one small and wimpy, the other large and tough.

"I told you!" Said the large one with the deep voice.
"Think of the reward we'll get!" Said the small one.
"Ouch!!!" Shouted the large one as Dragoron bit his foot.

Wait. Dragoron! What was he doing!? The small one pulled him off and threw him in the net with Alexia, which the large one now had around his shoulder. Then, they both walked off looking very pleased with themselves.

As soon as the coast was clear we all sprang out of the bushes.
"What are we going to do!?" I exclaimed.
"We need to save them, follow me!" Shouted Drakako. We all gave chase to the humans without second thought. I don't know what we're going to go when we catch up though.

Mark Of The Dragon Book I: PastWhere stories live. Discover now