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(Authors PoV )
Riley Matthews. To all she is the light of the room. Sunshine to the day. She is important to a lot of people.

She cares about everything and everybody before herself.that is what got her in the mess she's in.Depression.
Nobody seems like nobody cares.


Slice one. Four pills
Slice two. Another four pills
Slice three Nine pills
Silent crying. Nobody can hear her. Her family is on vacation. Nobody is around. She falls asleep on her bed, tears streaming down her face

^knock , knock^
" lai-...." " Riley?" Farkle came through the window to see two emptied pill bottles.he runs over to Riley and shouts her name over,and over again.
"Nurse!,nurse! Please somebody help please!" Farkle shouts in the hospital with Riley in his arms. In a rush ,doctors and nurses rush over and take her away.

20 muinets go by and nobody gives and update on Riley.

"Maya? Are u with Lucas and zay?"farkle called Maya.
"Yeah. Where are u, do u need help?"Maya asked with concern in her voice
"I'm at the hospital,can u come, please. ASAP, it's important " was all he said before he hung up.

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