Chapter 1

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Today was going to be wonderful, I thought to myself as I basked on a rock. The sun-baked earth around me contained adventure - one of my favourite things. I would soon meet up with the gang and we would go out and explore. The whole world was our playground - well almost. Over the hill and beyond the forest is where we are told not to go. My mother won't tell me why, she just says it's too dangerous for a young dragon like me to be venturing there.

As soon as I think I'm all warmed up I crawl back down the small ramp in the cliff face into our cave and tell my mother goodbye but she makes sure I have breakfast before I go. I gobble down the small fish she gave me and immediately dash out of the entrance only to bump into Dragoron.

Dragoron is one of my friends, a small but brave earth dragon who is in fact very intelligent. His parents - both pure earth dragons as well - in fact helped my mother... And my father, before he left, build this cave in the cliff.

"Oh! Hi Sima!" He exclaimed as I got up off the floor feeling dizzy. My real name is Drakosima, but my friends call me Sima.
"Hi, Dragoron." I say holding my head.
"Oh... Erm, sorry about that, I didn't see you there." He apologised.
"It's ok, I was the one who wasn't looking" I confessed.
"Anyway, are you ready? We're going to explore the for- erm... The field!" he said as he saw my mother approaching.
"Where are you off to boys?" My mother asked in her soothing voice, her beautiful blue scales shining in the sun like mine do.

You see there are all types of dragons, take Dragoron for example. He's an pure dragon whereas my other friend Bas is a hybrid dragon. When two of the same dragons mate, their child will be a pure dragon, like Dragoron. But in Bas' case, his mother is a basilisk and his father is a dragon. (Some sort of sea dragon to be precise but I'm not sure exactly which kind.) Therefore Bas is a hybrid dragon. (A sea basilisk dragon, to be exact.) Back to the point, my mother and I both have shimmering blue scales, even though I may look like her, I am a hybrid dragon. My father - as my mother puts it - was one of a kind. But she never tells me what he looked like. (He left before I was born.) The only thing I inherited from my father was a strange mark on the side of my body. The rest of my body is covered in blue shimmering scales - as my mother is a hybrid blue shimmer dragon. -Back to the story.

"The field!" I explained before Dragoron got us into trouble. He almost said 'forest' before and if that's the case I'm on his side - I know my mother warned me but I'm curious.
"Ok then, be back by dinner!" She replied.
"Let's go" I shouted to Dragoron, and we ran up the cliff ramp and headed to the field to meet the gang.

Oh! And just one more thing, where I live it's like a neighbourhood, we all live in various caves in this meadow, so everyone knows each other! I think it's great because everyone can support you and look out for you. (It also means I get lots of friends!)

Mark Of The Dragon Book I: PastWhere stories live. Discover now