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The Six Power Rangers were in Ernie's Café. Tommy, Adam and Rocky were sparring while Aisha, Billy and the new Pink Ranger Kat were at one of the tables studying.

Billy: So how are you finding Angel Grove Kat?

Kat: Oh it's so great, especially being a power ranger now.

Aisha: Yeah, we're so glad to have you on the team.

Kat: Thanks, I know I'm really going to enjoy this.

Suddenly Billy heard his communicator beep. He stood up and signalled the three others on the sparring mats before going just outside the door of Ernie's. Everyone grouped around Billy as he spoke into his communicator.

Billy: Go ahead Alpha.

Alpha: Rangers, teleport to the command centre immediately.

Billy: We're on our way.

The Rangers teleported to the command centre to find four old friends meeting them there.

Tommy: Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini!

Jason: Hey guys.

The four veteran rangers sat on chairs looking flushed and pale.

Tommy: What's wrong?

Zordon appeared in his time morph.

Zordon: Rangers. As you can see Jason, Kimberly, Trini and Zack have returned to us.

Tommy: But what's happened to them?

Aisha: Yeah I mean, they look so sick.

Zordon: There is a clear explanation for that Aisha. The original Rangers are slowly dying because of the depart of their power coins. When they passed their powers onto you, the power coins were already linked with their DNA.

Billy: And because they've been away from them for so long, it's affecting them.

Zordon; That is correct Billy. Only their original Power coins can bring them back to health.

Rocky: But how?

Tommy: yeah our Dinosaur Power coins were destroyed that's why we have our ninja ones.

Ninjor appeared in the Command Centre.

Ninjor: Not exactly.

Adam: Ninjor.

Ninjor: Greetings Rangers.

Tommy: Wait are you saying that our original power coins may still be out there?

Ninjor: Not exactly Tommy. You see I was able to fashion the original Power coins from The Dino Gems. A group of Gems made over thousands of years ago. I hid the gems so lord Zed and Rita never found them.

Zordon: The Dino Gems are hidden on my home planet Eltar.

Kat: And If we get the Dino gems to them will it make them better?

Zordon: We can only hope that Katherine.

The alarm on the viewing globe started to go off.

Alpha: Oh No! Tenga's are attacking Angel Grove High school!

Billy: As well, Goldar and Rito are in Angel Grove Park.

Tommy: Alright, Billy, Kat and Adam go handle the Tenga's, Rocky, Aisha and Ninjor go see what Rito and Goldar want, I'll stay here and watch the others.

Billy: Right. Ninja Ranger Power now!

Billy, Kat and Adam transformed into their Ninja Ranger suits and went after the Tenga's.

Zordon: Aisha and Rocky. Be careful we don't know what Goldar and Rito have planned.

Ninjor: I will assist you both.

Rocky: Right.

Zordon: Good luck and let the power protect you.

Aisha: It's Morphin Time!

Rocky and Aisha stuck out their morphers.

Aisha: Yellow Ranger Power!

Rocky: Red Ranger Power!

The two other rangers and Ninjor left the command centre. Tommy went over to the veteran rangers.

Jason: Just like old times right?

Tommy: Yeah, Good too see you man.

Jason: You too.

Tommy: Just hang on guys, we'll get you better.

Zack: Man, so much has changed.

Trini: Yeah, we missed this place.

Alpha: and we missed you rangers.

Billy, Kat and Adam teleported to Angel Grove High School un their ninja suits.

Adam: Let's take these birds!

Billy: Spread out.

The Ninja rangers spread out taking a group of Tenga's each. Eventually they had the Tenga's defeated.

Billy: Why were you attacking the school.

Tenga: We were just the distraction blue boy!

Adam: Distraction?

Kat: Oh no! Rocky and Aisha!

Billy: We better go help them.

Adam: Right! It's Morphin Time!

They stuck out their Morphers.

Adam: Black Ranger Power!

Kat: Pink Ranger Power!

Billy: Blue Ranger Power!

Rocky, Aisha and Ninjor teleported to the park where Rito and Goldar were waiting.

Goldar: Hello Power brats!

Rocky: Goldar! What do you want?!

Goldar: You fools! This is a trap!

Tenga's appeared grabbing the two rangers and Ninjor.

Ninjor: Unhand me you fools!

Goldar: Don't bother, you're coming with us!

They teleported away. Billy, Kat and Adam teleported to the park.

Kat: Where are the others?

Billy: Goldar and Rito must've taken them.

Adam: Come on, we beter get back to the command centre. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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