Homophobes and other people who hate on gays.

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This. This is one of the things that irritate me every freaking day.

I don't see the problems with gays. I think they're aloud to love whoever they want. And that's a problem...?

Does anyone watch the Fine Bros.? They had an episode of Kids React, where they showed the kids gay marriage proposals. They said "The opinion of these children help us where we're going with the next generation of the future." All of those kids (But one, but he was only 5 and I don't think he fully understood the concept) didn't have a problem with same sex marriage. THAT'S THE BEST THING I CAN HEAR. Those kids know what's up.

No one's born hating. They get taught that way. They get taught a lesson that's not ok. Parents think it's ok to tell people what you think if they aren't even bothering you. What would gays even do? Spread rainbows everywhere?! -.-

Some parents are supportive of they're kids loving whoever they want. Others kick their kids out on the streets. I'll say it again; That's not ok. They didn't do anything to deserve that!

I don't think gay is an insult. After all, it did mean "happy" once. And it still does. Being gay means you're happy loving who you want. And that's ok.

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