Since U been gone

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Please read A/N at the bottom. Thanks!

Ravi POV

Today is the day! We're going back to Camp Kikiwaka! I can't wait to see Tiffany.

We say our goodbyes to Mrs. Mommy and Bertram, then we board the helicopter. Zuri sits quietly next to Griff. I can see they are secretly holding hands. Emma is painting her nails, while listening to music on her iPhone, and surprisingly, Luke is reading a book.

Maybe summer school changed him.

"Wow! This book is awesome!" he says.

"What is it about?" I ask cheerfully.

"I dunno. It just has a lot of pictures."

"Oh. You're reading a comic book. Those are fun too! May I look at it?" I ask.

He hands me the book, and I become disappointed.

"Luke, this is Emma's drawing book from when she was in the 6th grade."

"Wow Emma!" he says. "You're such a good artist.

She takes her earpieces out and says, "What?"

"I said you're a good artist," Luke says.

"Thank you?"

"So you spent all your time in 6th grade drawing got guys. Why is that?" Luke asks.

"I was desperate okay?! Leave me alone!" she yells.

"How come there was a guy in your book who looked like a half zombie? If I remember correctly, you named him Luke."

She ignores him, and Luke shakes his head and takes the book back from me.

About 3 hours later, we're at camp. The helicopter lands on the ground, and we hop out. A few people stare as the helicopter takes off.

"Move along people!" Emma yells.

I laugh, and then all of a sudden I feel someone's hands over my eyes.

"Guess who."

"Hmm. I have no clue who it could be," I say smiling. "Can I get a clue?"

"She's super smart and you are in love with her. I hope."

She uncovers my eyes and I turn around and hug her.

"I missed you so much Tiffany!" I say.

"Me too!" she replies. She gives me a quick kiss and I smile.

Emma POV

I look around for Lou. She's nowhere to be found. Then someone hugs me from behind, and my heart literally skips a beat. Please don't let it be Xander. Please don't let it be Xander.

"Whoever you are, please stop. I can't breathe," I say.

"Oops! My bad," Lou says. I laugh and hug her.

"I missed y'all so bad," she says.

"Same!" I say.

"How was therapy?" she asks.


"So you're not mad at Xander anymore. Right?"

"No, I am. I just don't feel like killing myself anymore," I explain.

"Oh. OK," she says. She looks disappointed.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Huh? Oh, no. Everything's fine. Peachy clean!"

She puts on her fake smile. I know because I can see her back and lower teeth.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Oh hey there's Zuri and Griff! I'm gonna go say hi to them."

Then she quickly walks away.


Okay. Here's the thing. Xander broke up with Lily five months ago 'cause he realized that he still had feelings for Emma. That was after the Ross' went back to New York. And that was also after Lily admitted that she was dating Xander because Cassie and Jason, who are apparently her third cousins, told her to ask Xander out after he and Emma split up. She said she didn't mean any harm, and that she was sorry. So they broke up but they're still friends.

The thing is, Xander was really hoping that Emma could forgive him while in therapy. So when she told me she still doesn't forgive him, my heart shuttered to pieces.

Emma and Xander are my closest friends here at Camp Kikiwaka, and I know they belong together.

A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading my book. Sorry this chapter was boring. And that it was centered around Emma and Xander. Or Xemma. I promise there will be more Gruri chapters to come. Promise! Love you all!



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