Chapter 4

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Chapter 6

Anne and I were walking down the block.

"So what's Eyeless Pemsy's ambition?" I asked Anne.
"To dominate the world." She answered me.

"What?!?!? Now how exactly is a person like HER supposed to take over the world?" I asked confused.
"Never underestimate the people you do not know." 
"What is that like a famous quote or something?" I asked her.
"No I just made it up."

"So well as I have told you before, there is a portal, and well it's opened up right now so things like slender man or Jeff The Killer are coming out. I know this might put a lot of pressure on you but you are the only one that can stop her world domination. Yeah so you catch anything you see blah blah blah already told you that and well after you catch anything it won't come back out. You can go in the portal even when it's close because your the chosen one."

"I kind of get it now...a little"
"You'll get the hang of it later you just need to process it in your mind."

At night I went to bed. I crawled into the covers and tried to sleep. I heard a noise coming through the window. Just ignore it and it will go away. I repeated to myself. The window opened up. It's real. Someone came through. Carved mouth, burned eyelids and it was holding a knife. "Go to Sleep." I told me. Jeff The Killer. It had to be him. Okay be calm. I grabbed my wand.

"Transport!" I aimed my wand at him and he transported inside.
That was easy! I laughed a bit. I officially captured Jeff the killer! I feel so invincible!

I went to bed...
***Isabelle's dream****
I found myself in a dark place with torches. I was held captive and there were locked chains all over me. "What's going on?" I cried. 
A strange looking girl approached me. "Hello there Isabelle." 
"How do you know my name?" I asked her nervously.
She wore an old dress, with sun glasses, and she had blonde curly hair, that looked like it had been curled with a curling iron.

"Umm hi who are you and where am I?" I calmly asked her.

"This is Eyeless Pemsy's castle I am her servant and you will be her's too, when she takes your eyes out." That was the weirdest sentence I have ever heard. 
Its true I'm in. Eyeless Pemsy's castle. How can I get out of here? I tried to break the chains. "Stop! Your not going anywhere." That face looked unusually familiar."Eyeless Pemsy? Is that you?"
"Yes it is," She made an evil laugh. "Do not move. Your not leaving until I take your eyes out, then you can't see and you also can't escape, so you'll have no choice but to be my servant."

"LET ME GO!" I screamed. I tried to get out of the chains. "Hahaha you can try, but you can never get out. I put a spell so don't waste your energy."

I screamed and screamed until I woke up...

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