Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My alarm went off. 6AM. I woke up, got ready and went to school as I do every morning, but this time it was different...
As I was walking over to school I saw an unoccupied shadow. I slowly walked towards it, and it slowly faded away.

  I continued walking. A few blocks later I heard bushes shivering. I crept towards the bushes and nothing was there.
  I decided to ignore all the other creepy things that approached me in any way, and continued walking before I was even more late than I already am.

    First period was math. 20 minutes into it and nothing peculiar happened...well except my teacher wore an overload of makeup.

    Then I saw a shadow on the window. I stared at the odd-looking shadow untill it blinked into a person. It looked a little like...Jane the killer!
. I rapidly looked away and neglected the fact that someone is trying to kill me (well I think).
What's going on? Why am I seeing all these things? I wondered for a few more minutes untill my teacher screamed at me. "Isabelle! Pay attention! Quit the daydreaming !"

     I swiftly looked up and wrote some notes down.

As I was walking down the halls a ton of creepy, paranormal figures were continuously emerging all over the place. I was terrified. I triggered into the bathroom where I guarenteed to myself was safe and out of harm.

    I fixed my hair and wet my face with a lot of water.

     Seconds later I heard a stall shaking. Another one. Next all of them were shaking expeditiously. "Whos there?" I screamed in fear. I heard small whispers of someone talking. I glanced at the mirror. A scary looking girl with black hair, a knife no eyes walked out. She whispered "Eyeless Pemsy is here," her voice grew louder, "TO KILL YOU!"

   I shrieked and ran out the bathroom. Students starred at me. I just stood there staring back at them until they figured they had something better to do. 
   I went outside for lunch and saw my best friend Hailey waiting for me.

    "Isabelle! Oh my god where were you? I thought you got in trouble or something!"
Trouble? I laughed for about second.
"What kind of trouble do you think I would get in?"
Not that I never got in trouble before its just a little rare for me to get in trouble, well unless I totally lose my mind and think I can do anything and accidentally slap someone or something then I'd get in trouble, but its still rare.

"Hailey I'm fine I just went to the bathroom."
"Oh okay great I'm so relieved I thought you got lost or in trouble or you were in a fight or--"
"Hailey I get it you got worried you don't have to get a little too into it."

We walked for a long time just talking about whatever thing pops into our head untill we had to go back to class

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