Rapunzel And Her Tower

Start from the beginning

“Do you live with her then?” I asked, confused. Keilyn nodded, sadly.

“My parents just disappeared after Em was born.” Keilyn confessed and my mouth opened slightly in shock. I never thought that happy, bubbly and confident Keilyn would have missing parents. I thought about that for a second and realised that you wouldn’t know if anyone had missing parents.

“I’m so sorry.” I told her and I meant it. I couldn’t even imagine growing up without my parents.

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. I only remember little things about them; I was only five when they left.” Keilyn reminded me and I nodded in understanding.

“Why does-?”


I looked at Keilyn thinking I’d imagined it but the look on her face told me I hadn’t. There was a noise like something colliding with the brick wall outside.

“A bird?” Keilyn suggested with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Why did you move schools?” I asked after a moment of silence. Keilyn swallowed before answering.

“Well there was th-“


I frowned at the window, annoyed at whatever was making that noise.

“Carry on.” I said with a smile.

Keilyn was just about to answer when-


“I’ll go shoo it away.” I told her getting up and opening the window. All I was met with, though were voices from down the bottom.

“This is ridiculous, Sirius.” One voice was saying.

“Shut up, let me try again.” The other replied and I sighed.

“Sirius Black if you throw one more stone at this window I swear to Merlin I will kill you.”  I hissed down to the voices below. I could only see the outline of the two boy’s bodies and I could tell that Remus was with Sirius.

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel!” Sirius was calling up. I rolled my eyes and shut the window.

“It was Sirius.” I told Keilyn and almost immediately after I had finished telling her another clomp was heard.

“What?” I snapped.

“I hadn’t finished.” Sirius called back up and I sighed, annoyed.

“Go on then.” I told him, wanting to get whatever it was he wanted out of him.

“Where was I?” I heard Sirius mutter to himself. I rolled my eyes again.

“Sirius you had said two words.” Remus snapped.

“Someone’s a little grouchy.” Sirius retorted.

“Well you would be too if you were dragged from your warm bed while sleeping out into the freezing cold.” Remus replied and I waited, patiently.

“Hey! I let you get a robe!” Sirius cried, defensively.

“Guys do you think you could maybe get on with whatever you came here for?” I asked, interrupting their apparently ‘intelligent’ banter.

“Oh right.” Sirius cleared his throat. “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! I've crossed fire and desert and ocean for thee, fair Rapunzel!”

I laughed and Sirius stopped for a moment. I remember my mother reading this fairytale to me when I was younger and it was one of my favourite muggle ones.

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