Chapter Seven

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"And he just asked you out?" Lily repeated, confused. Sirius had gone with Remus and Peter to get the books that Peter had lost before heading to Kings Cross. I explained what had happened to Lily and James who, for once, were not focused on each other.

"Yeah - out of nowhere." I told them both. I looked at James, expecting an explanation.

"I knew something was going on." He admitted. "But he never said a word to me."

"What'd you mean you knew something was going on?" I asked slowly.

"I'd been winding him up since you almost kissed on the cliff." James shrugged.

"Wait - what?" Lily's eyes flashed. "You almost kissed?" 

"Not really, I was never going to kiss him. I'll explain later." I promised. 

"So he likes you then?" She asked.

"Unless he was joking." I suggested.

"He wasn't joking." James assured me confidently. "I know him. He doesn't joke without telling anybody about it first."

"So he likes you." Lily repeated. "What foul luck, you've caught the eye of Sirius Black" 

"He isn't so bad." James defended him. "When you get to know him."

"That's what Courtney always insists about you, yet you're still insufferable to me." Lily snapped and blood rushed to James's face.

"You've never even tried to get to know me." He cried indignantly. "And you've been sitting with me no problem for ten minutes at least now." 

"Give it a rest." I told both of them before Lily could say anything. "This doesn't matter anyway," I began. "We're going back to school."

"So?" James urged.

"So he won't see me so it won't matter." I explained. 

"I don't know about that." He ruffled the back of his hair with a sheepish laugh. 

"What'd you mean?" My brow furrowed.

"He's like me." He said simply and I nodded urging him to continue. He looked awkwardly between me and Lily. "Well, he has a link to you through me so he'll use it..."

Lily caught on as to how James and Sirius were similar and her face went bright red; she bit her tongue and didn't say a word.

"For Merlin's sake." I muttered. Though a tiny part of me was interested as to how this would play out.

It wasn't long before we were getting ready to board the train. I had parted ways with Lily while we all hugged our respective parents goodbye with smiles plastered across our faces and tears brimming in their eyes. 

"See you at Christmas, my darling." My dad told me, giving me a hug and kissing the top of my forehead.

"Bye." I whispered into his chest.

"Be good, both of you." Mrs Potter was telling James and Sirius after hugging them both. "I don't want letters home this year." 

"There won't be letters home." James assured his mother.

"Of course not!" Sirius supported him. "We have to get caught for that."

"You boys will be the death of me!" Mrs Potter burst out laughing and shaking her head. James approached me while Sirius politely said goodbye to my parents.

"We'll make a point of seeing each other this year." James promised, pulling me into a hug.

"We say that every year and we never do." I joked, though he knew I was serious.

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