Chapter Twenty Three • April 13th, 2017

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As soon as Bokuto arrived inside the classroom, he crouches down beside your desk. "Why won't you talk to me? You ignored me all night and this morning. I genuinely don't know what I did."

You respond softly due to being upset, "Bokuto, I can't talk about this right now, okay?"

"Then when can we?"

"Just not now."

It's not that you don't want to tell him what he did or that you're done being friends with him. You just do not want to bring it up because you know you'll cry. You definitely can't cry at school. So, it's better not to discuss it now.


You ears pick up the sound of knocking at your door and it wasn't much of a surprised the stranger was Bokuto. As bad as it made you feel, you hid from him at school. You know he is dying to talk about it...but you really don't want to.

You speak first, "If you want (cat/name) I can give him to you, he's in my room. You can take him to your house."

"I want to see both of you."

"I'm really not in the mood, Bokuto."

"You weren't this morning either. We need to talk about it sometime. You can't keep avoiding it." Bokuto invites himself in and journeys to the cat inside of your bedroom, sitting beside him. "Tell me what I did wrong that you won't stop ignoring me. Did Kaori tell you something about me?"

Bokuto is right, like always. You can't and shouldn't keep avoiding him. But for some reason, you can't find it in yourself to. You sit down beside him. "...Yes."

"What did she say?"

"I don't want to get into it."

Either way, this will end in an argument. If you tell him, you'll end up yelling at him for spilling to Kaori about your parents divorce. If you don't tell him, then he going to yell at you for not telling him. Which one would be better?

"(l/n)!" Bokuto scolds. "This is going to end up like last time if you keep pushing me away! Why do you do that?!"

You yearn for the letters for some reason to come back. You don't know if you're making the right decision anymore or not. All the talk of regret from it, you're afraid to make one. You used to rely on the letter but now that it ran out of dates, you don't have any insight. You force yourself to do what seems right.

You decide to tell him, of course like you expected, tears well into your eyes. "You told her about my parents. Why would you do that to me? I finally let you in and tell you something and you go off and tell someone?"

It suddenly clicks in Bokuto's head.

"I'm so sorry. That was a total accident. It slipped out. I was telling her that we were good when we first started talking again and then I accidentally slipped out the reason why it happened in the first place."

You admit, "I'm scared to trust you again with something like that."

"Me?! You're scared to trust me? What about you? How can I trust you? You always lie about what you're feeling and you never let me in! How could I ever know you're telling me the whole truth!" Bokuto barks. Suddenly, his voice shifts. "Why do you keep pushing me away? Is there something wrong with me?"

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