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~And that was the thing about her, she kept on surviving. With bullet holes in her lungs and knife marks etched in her back. She never let anything get in her way, resilient. A fighter, not by choice, but a warrior at heart~

Wanda's head throbbed as she woke up in the all too familiar cell on The Raft. She found it difficult to sit up with the same straight jacket holding her arms in place and then she noticed the familiar shock collar around her neck. "God dammit, Steve." She muttered in Sokovian as she leaned her had back on the cold, metal wall.

"Well, this is shitty." Clint's groggy voice came from a few cells down, "You have an escape plan this time, Cap?"

"Nope, sorry, Clint."

"Does anybody have any orange slices?" Scott asked no one in particular as he basically lounged in his cell, his eyes focused on the ceiling.

"If I had orange slices, I'd be eating them." Sam replied. "You know, I was hoping to avoid this cell again."

"Steve, you better get my ring back."

"Oh, look who's back." Wanda's breath hitched as the guard approached her, a creepy smile on his face that she hoped to never see again, especially after what he'd done the last time she'd been in this cell. "I was hoping they'd find you and bring you back. We weren't done with you."

One thing Wanda had learned in her short time on The Raft was that they didn't see very many girls, so when they did, it wasn't very pleasant for the prisoner. It also didn't help her that she was considered a dangerous weapon that could kill them at any minute. They seemed to think abusing her would help their cause.

"Would you look at that, they brought another one." Wanda heard the other guard say as he came across Klara who was still handcuffed in her cell.

Wanda did her best to avoid the guard's eyes as he came closer to the cell and was about to open it. Someone shouting orders at them caused them to open the cells, but not advance just tell Wanda to get up and that they were all needed.

"Is this all necessary? She's not dangerous." Natasha said as she stood next to Tony, Vision and Secretary Ross, watching the security cameras.

"That is a matter of opinion and I don't want to risk anything." Ross replied before ordering the guards in the room to go and fetch the prisoners.

To say Wanda was not happy to see Tony, would've been a major understatement. Tony tensed up as she approached him , Bucky and Steve following the closest behind her. Wanda stopped in front of him before bringing her fist up and punching him straight in the nose. Bucky couldn't hide the smile on his face as he high fived her, "Yeah, that's right. I taught her that."

"I deserved that one." Tony said as he held his nose and everyone else sat down at the meeting table, waiting to hear all the crap Ross had to say.

"You're criminals and criminals are always found. You couldn't have expected to stay hidden forever." Ross began.

"It wasn't exactly ideal, but we weren't going to just waltz around on the streets asking to be caught." Sam said as he clicked a pen and tapped his foot on the ground.

(skip to end of conversation because I am way too lazy to write all of it)

"I could just keep you here," Ross stated, "But, I have better idea. House arrest for six months."

No one seemed particularly happy with the idea of being isolated to one place yet again, but Wanda was just glad she wouldn't have to deal with those guards anymore.


"What the hell did they do to her?"  Steve asked as him and Clint worked on getting the straight jacket off of Wanda.

"I don't know, they've kept her pretty drugged up most of the time we've been here and they tortured her like she's some sort of monster." Clint said, disgust clear in his voice, "I tried to block out most of it and I don't want to tell you anything before she's ready."

Steve nodded as he placed his hands on either side of the metal collar, cringing as Wanda whimpered from the shock. He pulled harder, tossing it away from them as it broke before he quickly, but carefully picked her up.

"Steve..." Wanda's tired eyes looked up at Steve as he carried her to the jet.

"We're gonna get you out of here, I won't let them hurt you ever again."

Wanda hadn't realized she'd spaced out until she heard Tony say that they were almost back to the compound. Her neck was stiff as she sat up from the position she'd been leaning on Natasha, her hand held tightly in the redhead's. She leaned her head back on Natasha's shoulder taking in her familiar vanilla cupcake scent, "I missed you."

Natasha kissed her forehead, "I missed you, too."

Less than half an hour later, they were all back at the compound, heading to their separate rooms. Their ankle monitors had been officially switched on as soon as they stepped off of the jet and Sam and Clint were already trying to figure out a way to get them off without setting off any alarms. Wanda didn't think it was that bad until she tried to use her powers to grab the TV remote and got nothing.

"What are you doing?" Natasha questioned, walking out of the bathroom to see Wanda flailing her arms around like a two year old. Wanda groaned as she turned towards the redhead, still throwing her arms all over the place, "What is missing in this equation?" Wanda asked as she kept waving her arms around, hoping for something to happen. When Natasha only raised her eyebrow at her, Wanda rolled her eyes, "What normally comes out of my hands when I do this?" Wanda questioned as she made a move that would normally have thrown Natasha across the room by her ankle.

"What the hell happened to your powers?" The redhead asked as she examined the witch.

Wanda looked down at the ankle monitor that had a red light on it, "Those jerks. They used that stupid ankle thingy to make my powers useless. Great."

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